Usulan perencanaan perawatan preventive maintenance dan persediaan suku cadang dengan pendekatan Reliability Centered Maintenance II dan Reliability Centered Spares pada PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2006
Pembimbing 1 : Amal Witonohadi
Pembimbing 2 : Ismed Abdurrachman
Subyek : Plant maintenance;Maintainability (Engineering);Reliability (Engineering)
Kata Kunci : machine preventive, planning, maintenance, reliability centered spare
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 34 | |
2. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
9. | 2006_TA_TI_06302368_Lampiran.pdf |
PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo mempakan perusahaan yang memproduksi berbagai jenis sepeda motor . Selain memproduksi s, peda motor , PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo juga memproduksi bagian pembentuk mesin seperti crank case yang menjadi obyek penelitian kali ini. Adapun permasalahan yang kini dialami perusahaan adalah tingginya frekuensi kerusakan mesin serta tidak tersedianya suku cadang. Hal ini disebabkan karena sistem manajemen perawatan dan kebijakan peme anan suku cadang yang kurang optimaL Dampak yang ditimbulkan dari permasalahan tersebut adalan tidak terpenuhinya target produksi yang telah ditetapkan serta beberapa produk yar.g dihasilkan menjadi cacat. Oleh sebab itu diharapkan dengan penerapan metode Reliahtlity Centered Maintenance II (RCMII) serta Reliability C'l•nterd .\'pares (RCS) permasalahan yans dihadapi oleh perusahaan dapat teratasi .Langkah awal yang dilakuk:ut untul.. p•.:rma:;alahan tcrscbut adalahmenentukan mesin dengan diagram batang, penentuan komp,men kritis dengan diagram pareto, melakukan kebijakan RCM II yang diawali dengan pembuatan Failure Mode Nfect And Critticality :4nalysi\.• (FMEA) . RCM !nfimnation Worksheet. RCM Decision Worksheet, dilanjutkan dengan menghitung TrF dan TTR, penentuan distribusi denganprogram excel dan Minitab 13, pengujian distribusi yang telah terpilih , mencari nilai MTIF dan MTTR dengan metode Maximum Ukelihood Jo:stunator . perhitungan interval waktu penggantian , pemeriksaan serta tingkat keterscdiaan. perhitung
P PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo is a company which produces various type of motorbikes . Beside that, PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo also produces crank case, a part that formed the engine, which will become our research focus in this thesis . Nowadays , company experienced high level of break.dO\\TI frequency and no stock of spare part in warehouse . This problem causes maintenance system and spare part policy unsuccesfully . It causes the company goal unfullfilled. Problem can be solved by using Reliability Centered Maintenance II (RCM II) and Reliability Centered Spares (RCS) approach.The first' stage to solve the problem is tracking critical machine which will be identified by using Bar chart, tracking critical component using Pareto chart . The second stage is conducting a scheme of maintenance procedure using RCM II approach, which started by making an Failure Mode Effect And Criticality Analysis (FMEA), RCM Information Worksheet, RCM Decision Jf'orksheet. continued with calculating TIF and TIR, distribution determination using excel program and Minitab 13, distribution examination which have chosen, calculated MTIF and MTTR value with Maximum Likelihood Estimator methods, optimal replacement interval, inspection interval also availability, comparisons between the prl.!sent and suggested reliab ility can be provided . After RCS approach, we can start making an RCS Worksheet and RCS Decision Worksheet, continuing with order calculation schedule and inventory cost, reducing costs which overcome if they are approximating between failure maintenance 's cost and preventive maintenance's cost.The results are 3 critical machines and 16 critical components . Based on FMEA,we know that cylinder clamp is the highest RPN component with 448. The result from RCM approach for joint spindle,limit switch,oil filter,spindle !,table bearing,cylinder clamp,contactor, v- belt,gear box,hydraulic tank,spindle bearing component classified in scheduled discard task the other component classified in scheduled on condition task. While for the highest optimal replacement interval are contactors which has 3224 hours, highest availability are oil filter that is 0.997032154 percent, highest reliability are contactor thut is I . For RCS Appronch we gel the motor tnble, spindle motor, ms. Servo, hydraulic motor better hold on local stock. To reduce costs, they are approximated between failure maintenance's cost and preventive maintenance's cost. Shortly, 1ve can get spindle bearing component with the highest reduced cost, which amount of Rp. 4.039.444,00. The scheduled that we offered are component replacement schedule and component ordering schedule.Based on that step, maintenance policies for each different component give anoptimal achievement that the availability and reliability for critical component hasincreased.