Penatalaksanaan kista odontogenik keratosis dengan ostektomi periferal
P Penatalaksanan yang tepat untuk kista odontogenik keratosis sangatlah kontroversial, sekalipun kista ini hanya memiliki angka kejadian sekitar 3 - 10,5% dari seluruh kista rahang. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat kista yang agresif dan cepat meluas dalam rahang, serta angka kekambuhan yang sangat tinggi mencapai 62,5%. Metode bedah yang selama ini dianggap pilihan tepat seperti enukleasi, marsupialisasi, ataupun kuretase diketahui masih memiliki angka rekurensi yang tinggi. Beberapa ahli bedah juga mengajurkan penggunaan metode bedah radikal seperti reseksi rahang, yang kemudian diketahui dapat mengakibatkan cacat muka. Ostcktomi periferal dianggap gabungan dari kedua metode terscbut, dimana setelah kista dienukleasi, 2-3 mm tulang di bawah dinding kista diambil menggunakan bur akrilik mengikuti batas kista. Dengan metode ini diharapkan kista dapat dikeluarkan seluruhnya, sehingga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya rekurensi sena efek paska operasi pada pasien dapat diminimalisasi.
T The appropriate management for odontogenic keratocyst is very controversial, even though the incidence of this cyst are only about 3 - 10_5% of all jaw cysts. This is due to the aggressive nature of the cyst and quickly expanded in the jaw, as well as very high recurrence rate which reached 62.5%. Surgical methods that had been considered as appropriate options such as enucleation, marsupialisation, or curettage are also known to have a high recurrence rate. Some surgeons also advisc the use of radical surgical methods such as resection of the jaw, that later knov,n that this method can cause face deformation. Peripheral ostectomy method is considered as the combination of these two methods. After a cyst is enucleated, 2-3 mm bone below the cyst wall was taken using acrylic drill following the cyst boundary. With this method, would be expected that all parts of the cyst can be remo\·ed entirely, so it can reduce the possibility of recurrence and post-surgery effects on patients can be minimized.