Antecedent dari behavioural intention restoran cepat saji di jakarta
A ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perngaruh food quality, physical environment quality, employee service quality terhadap customer perceived value, customer satisfaction dan behavioural intention fast food restaurant di jakarta. Penilitian ini menggunakan data primer. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji dan disebarkan secara online kepada 220 responden yang membeli dan mengunjungi restoran cepat saji. Penentuan sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara food quality, physical environment quality, employee service quality terhadap customer perceived value dan customer perceived value berpengaruh terhadap customer satisfaction. Sementara itu customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap behavioural intention. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat menambahkan variable lain yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi variabel Customer Perceived Value seperti variabel life style (Rosanti et al, 2022).
A ABSTRACTThe aim of this research is to analyze food quality, physical environment quality, employee service quality terhadap customer perceived value, customer satisfaction dan behavioural intention the fast food restaurant in jakarta. This research uses primary data. Data was collected using a questionnaire that had been tested and distributed online to 220 respondents who bought and visited fast food restaurant. The sample was determined using a purposive sampling technique. The research results show that there is a positive influence between food quality, physical environment quality, employee service quality on customer perceived value and customer perceived value influence on customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction positive influence on behavioural intention. Future research can add other variables which are thought to influence the Customer Perceived Value variable, such as Life Style variables (Rosanti et al, 2022).