Perancangan model penilaian risiko ergonomi dengan ergonomi failure mode and effect analysis (fmea) pada area painting di PT. Braja Mukti Cakra

Oleh : Ghaida Anggraeni

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Winnie Septiani

Subyek : Human engineering

Kata Kunci : work process, work posture, design, model, failure mode and effect analysis, risk of work posture

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 5
4. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 25
7. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf
8. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2020_TA_STI_063001600173_Lampiran.pdf 43

P PT. Braja Mukti Cakra merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur komponen Sparepart mobil. Perusahaan mempunyai area painting dengan memiliki 5 tahapan proses kerja yaitu proses pembersihan, proses pengeringan, proses Coating, proses pengecatan, dan proses akhir pengeringan. Target produksi pada produk Discbrake yang tinggi pada bulan oktober 2019 sebesar 25.407 pcs. Permasalahan awal yang teridentifikasi terkait risiko ergonomi yang ditemukan yakni pengangkatan beban produk secara manual yang diangkat dengan gerakan dan posisi kerja yang tidak ergonomi, dan beban kerja yang berlebihan Penelitian bertujuan untuk merancang model penilaian risiko ergonomi pada divisi painting dengan Ergonomi Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) di area painting yang terdiri dari model identifikasi risiko, model pengukuran risiko, dan model penanganan risiko. Analisis kebutuhan merancang model risiko ergonomi dengan metode FMEA dapat dengan mudah diterapkan pada pengembangan terstruktur. Hasil model identifikasi risiko ergonomi dapat diidentifikasi melalui pusat risiko, tipe risiko, dan lokasi terjadi dengan menghasilkan 6 kategori risiko ergonomi kerja, 14 risiko ergonomi pada operator saat mengerjakan masing-masing proses kerja di area painting. Model pengukuran risiko dilakukan dengan menggunakan tingkat keparahan dampak risiko ergonomi (Severity), tingkat penyebab risiko ergonomi (Occurrence), dan mendeteksi penyebab terjadinya risiko ergonomi (Detection). Selain itu, hasil model penanganan risiko yang diberikan antara lain membuat SOP yang berisikan tentang pemahaman teknik pengangkatan produk secara manual, Desain perbaikan pada perancangan fasilitas kerja seperti Wirecart yang dapat memudahkan aktivitas pekerjaan operator, dan perancangan desain Workplace layout bagian proses Coating dan menambakan perancangan fasilitas kerja seperti meja. Verifikasi Model penilaian risiko ergonomi di Area painting sesuai dengan kondisi di Area painting. Pada uji coba merancang model penilaian risiko ergonomi dilakukan dengan memperoleh nilai Severity, Occurrence, dan Detection dari hasil wawancara dan hasil penyebaran kuesioner.

P PT. Braja Mukti Cakra is a company engaged in manufacturing auto parts components. Company has a painting area with 5 stages of work process, namely cleaning process, drying process, coating process, painting process, and the final drying process. Production target for high discbrake products in October 2019 is 25,407 pcs. Based on observations and interviews with the production division. Initial problems identified related to the posture risk found were manual lifting of product loads that were lifted with movements and work positions that were not ergonomic, and excessive workloads. The study aims to design a posture risk assessment model in the painting division with Ergonomic Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in the painting area which consists of risk identification models, risk measurement model, and risk management models. The results of the posture risk identification model are identified through the risk center, risk type, and location occur by producing 6 categories of work posture risk, 14 risk posture to the operator when working on each work process in the painting area. The risk measurement model is done by using the severity of the impact of posture risk (severity), the level of risk causing posture (occurrence), and detecting the cause of the risk of posture (detection). In addition, the results of the risk management model provided include making SOPs that contain an understanding of manual product lifting techniques, design improvements in the design of work facilities such as wirecart that can facilitate operator work activities, and design workplace layouts for the coating process section and add facility design. work like a desk. verification of the posture risk assessment model in the Area painting in accordance with the conditions in the Area painting In the trial design the posture risk assessment model is carried out by obtaining the value of severity, occurrence, and detection from the results of interviews and the results of questionnaires.

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