Rancangan perbaikan tata letak lantai produksi dengan Algoritma CRAFT dan Graph Based Construction Method

Oleh : Muhammad Mahathirsyah Enros

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Didian Suhardini

Subyek : Production control

Kata Kunci : layout, material handling cost, cross traffic, graph based construction method,, craft

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Bab_1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Bab_2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 20
5. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Bab_3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Bab_4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf
7. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Bab_5_Kesimpulan.pdf 1
8. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Dafatr-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2020_TA_STI_063001600103_Lampiran.pdf

P PT. Braja Mukti Cakra adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur komponenuntuk rem mobil. Permasalahan yang terdapat pada PT. Braja Mukti Cakra adalah tataletak lantai produksi masih belum tertata dengan baik. Hal ini mengakibatkan tingginyabiaya perpindahan material. Selain masalah diatas, adanya cross traffic yang terjadi padaaliran material. Graph based digunakan karena perancangan tata letakmempertimbangkan planar yang berarti tidak mempebolehkan adanya perpotonganaliran. Kriteria pemilihan tata letak usulan menggunakan pengurangan total jarak danbiaya perpindahan material yang dibandingkan dengan tata letak awal. Hasil evaluasi tataletak awal biaya material handling sebesar Rp. 81.950.280/bulan dengan 118 titik crosstraffic. Setelah tata letak awal diperbaiki menggunakan CRAFT menghasilkan biayamaterial handling sebesar Rp 71.552.723/bulan dan titik cross traffic sebanyak 90 titik.Disamping itu, hasil perancangan dengan Graph Based Construction Methodmenghasilkan biaya material handling sebesar Rp. 60.321.937/bulan dan titik crosstraffic sebanyak 62 titik. Biaya perpindahan tata letak usulan yang sudah diperbaikidengan CRAFT menurun 12% dan cross traffic berkurang sebanyak 23%. Sedangkanbiaya material handling tata letak hasil rancangan Graph Based Construction Methodmengalami penurunan pada biaya material handling sebesar 26% dan cross trafficberkurang sebanyak 47%. Yang berarti tata letak usulan Graph Based ConstructionMethod yang dirancang lebih baik dari tata letak perbaikan menggunakan CRAFT.

P PT. Braja Mukti Cakra is a company engaged in manufacturing components for carbrakes. The problems in PT. Braja Mukti Cakra is the production floor layout is still notwell ordered. This results in high costs of moving material. Apart from the aboveproblems, there is cross traffic that occurs in the material flow. Graph based is usedbecause the layout design considers planar, which means that it does not allow flowintersections. The proposed layout selection criteria use a reduction in the total distanceand cost of material displacement compared to the initial layout. The results of theevaluation of the initial layout of material handling costs of Rp. 81,950,280 / month with118 cross traffic points. After the initial layout was improved using CRAFT resulted inmaterial handling costs of Rp. 71,552,723 / month and cross traffic points of 90 points.In addition, the design results with the Graph Based Construction Method resulted in amaterial handling cost of Rp. 60,321,937 / month and 62 cross traffic points. The cost ofmoving the proposed layout which has been improved with CRAFT decreased by 12%and cross traffic was reduced by 23%. Meanwhile, the material handling costs for thelayout of the Graph Based Construction Method design decreased the material handlingcosts by 26% and the cross traffic was reduced by 47%. Which means that the proposedlayout of the Graph Based Construction Method which is designed is better than thelayout of the improvements using CRAFT.

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