Proposal to improve the supply chain flow of round stainless waste can products to minimize waste using lean supply chain at pt. Harapan mulya putri
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Tiena Gustina Amran
Pembimbing 2 : Emilia Sari
Subyek : Business logistics;Industrial management
Kata Kunci : Lean supply chain management, current state mapping, analisis value chain, process activity mapping,
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Lembar-Pengesahaan.pdf | ||
3. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Bab-4_Pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Bab-5_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | ||
8. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 23_TA_STI_063001900079_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. Harapan Mulya Putri merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri manufaktur yang berfokus pada produksi alat kebersihan dengan produk Tempat Sampah Stainless Bulat. Perusahaan akan melakukan produksi setelah mendapatkan pesanan dari pelanggan sesuai dengan prinsip Make to Order. Permasalahan yang terjadi sepanjang aliran rantai pasok PT. Harapan Mulya Putri adalah keterlambatan penerimaan bahan baku dari supplier selama 2 hari dan terjadi kesalahan pada proses produksi yang mengakibatkan kecacatan produk serta keterlambatan pengiriman produk jadi kepada pelanggan. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena terdapat pemborosan (waste) disepanjang aliran rantai pasok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemborosan yang terjadi, meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi, dan memberikan usulan perbaikan menggunakan metode Lean Supply Chain Management yang dibantu oleh tools Value Stream Mapping. Value Stream Mapping dibagi menjadi 3 faktor yaitu inbound, operation, dan outbound. Ketiganya terdiri atas Current State Mapping yang digunakan untuk pemetaan kondisi saat ini, dengan nilai Process Cycle Efficiency masing-masing sebesar 30.49%, 66.17%, dan 80.04% dengan total lead time masing-masing sebesar 24.600, 107.39, 928.76 menit. Identifikasi pemborosan dipetakan menggunakan Value Chain Analysis dan Process Activity Mapping untuk mengetahui jenis pemborosan yang terjadi serta mengetahui kategori aktivitas yang termasuk value added, non-value added, dan necessary non-value added. Jenis pemborosan akan dianalisis menggunakan 5-Why analisis untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya pemborosan tersebut. Usulan perbaikan yang dapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan adalah membuat GPS Live Tracking serta Formulir Evaluasi Supplier, penggantian material handling jenis handpallet dan box pallet, penambahan proses Grinding, dan melakukan pelatihan operator. Berdasarkan hasil usulan perbaikan yang sudah dilakukan, maka akan dipetakan menggunakan Future State Mapping untuk menunjukkan hasil penurunan lead time masing-masing menjadi 1635, 103.96, 818.36 menit dan peningkatan nilai Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) masing-masing menjadi 45.87%, 71.24%, 90.84%
P PT. Harapan Mulya Putri is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry that focuses on the production of cleaning tools with Round Stainless Trash Can products. The company will carry out production after getting orders from customers in accordance with the principle of Make to Order. Problems that occur along the flow of the supply chain of PT. Harapan Mulya Putri is that there is a delay in receiving raw materials for two days and an error in the production process which results in product defects and delays in delivering finished products to customers. This can happen because there is waste along the supply chain flow. This study aims to identify waste that occurs, improve the efficiency of the production process, and provide suggestions for improvements using the Lean Supply Chain Management method assisted by Value Stream Mapping tools. Value Stream Mapping is divided into 3 factors, namely, inbound, operation, and outbound. The three consist of Current State Mapping used for mapping current conditions, with Process Cycle Efficiency values of 30.49%, 66.17%, and 80.04% respectively with total lead times of 24,600, 107.39, 928.76 minutes respectively. Waste identification is mapped using Value Chain Analysis and Process Activity Mapping to determine the type of waste that occurs and find out the categories of activities that include value added, non-value added, and necessary non-value added. The type of waste will be analyzed using 5why analysis to determine the cause of the waste. Proposed improvements that can be applied by the company are making GPS Live Tracking and Supplier Evaluation Form, replacing material handling types of handpallets and pallet boxes, adding grinding processes, and conducting operator training. Based on the results of the proposed improvements that have been made, it will be mapped using Future State Mapping to show the results of decreasing lead times to 1635, 103.96, 818.36 minutes respectively and increasing the value of Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) to 45.87%, 71.24%, 90.84% respectively.