Efektivitas berkumur larutan citrus aurantifolia terhadap akumulasi plak dan laju aliran saliva
Nomor Panggil : 617.632 VAN e
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2011
Pembimbing 1 : Hafadah Fidary
Subyek : Herbs - Therapeutic use;Dental plaque
Kata Kunci : citrus, mouth-rinse, plaque, salivary flow rate
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Halaman-judul.pdf | 10 | |
2. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 4 | |
4. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-2-Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf | 15 |
5. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-3-Kerangka-konsep-dan-hipotesis.pdf | 1 |
6. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-4-Metode-penelitian.pdf | 7 |
7. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-5-Hasil-penelitian.pdf | 4 |
8. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-6-Pembahasan.pdf | 2 |
9. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Bab-7-Kesimpulan-dan-saran.pdf | 1 |
10. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
11. | 2011_TA_KG_04008166_Lampiran.pdf | 5 |
L Latar belakang. Citrus arantifiola atau jeruk nipis mengandung banyak zat yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, antara lain, asam sitrun, flavonoid, minyak atsiri, vitamin C, kalsium, dan asam amino sehingga sering digunakan sebagai obat. Minyak atsiri dan flavonoid yang cukup tinggi bersifat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri, termasuk bakteri dalam rongga mulut.Tujuan. Menganalisis efek klinis larutan Citrus aurantifolia terhadap akumulasi plak dan laju aliran saliva.Metode. Sebanyak 30 sampel berusia antara 18-25 tahun, dipilih secara random dan dibagi dalam 3 kelompok perlakuan: berkumur dengan larutan Citrus aurantifolia (CIT), listerin (ALC), dan saline (SAL). Pada awal penelitian, sampel terlebih dahulu menerima profilaksis. Laju aliran saliva diukur sebelum dan segera setelah kumur pertama dengan metode Sialometry, sedangkan akumulasi plak diukur dengan Indeks plak (P1I) Silness & Loe (1964) pada 4, 24, dan 72 jam.Hasil. Analisis statistik dengan uji Anova menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan (p<0,05). Rerata skor indeks plak CIT, ALC and SAL adalah 0.5±0,09; 0.44±0,12; dan 0.81±0,05. Namun tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok 4, 24, 72 jam (p>0.05). Pada uji Post Hoc menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna pada masing-masing kelompok perlakuan (p<0,05 %).Kesimpulan. Berkumur dgn CIT dan ALC memiliki efektifitas yang sama terhadap penurunan indeks plak.
B Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical effects of 10% Citrus aurantifolia-containing mouth-rinse compared to an alcohol-containing mouth-rinse (Listerine; 21,6% ethanol) on the plaque-inhibiting activity and salivary flow rate escalation.Objective The study was designed to compare the effect of using different mouth-rinses.Methods Thirty eligible subjects, aged 18-25 years, were randomized into three selected groups: (1) Citrus aurantifolia-containing mouth-rinse (CIT); (2) alcohol- containing mouth-rinse (Listerine-ALC). As baseline score, subjects received a thorough dental prophylaxis procedure. Salivary flow rate was measured twice by sialometry, before and immediately after 30s of first rinsing. Twenty mL of selected mouth-rinse was used twice daily for 30s after tooth brushing for 2 minutes. Subjects were assessed for plaque accumulation by the Silness & Loe (1964) Plaque Index (P1I) at 4, 24 and 72h. Mean of plaque index score was analyzed using Two ways ANOVA (analysis of variance) and post hoc analysis. Results The mean of P1I for CIT dan ALC were as followed: 0.52(SD=0,09), 0.44(SD=0,12) respectively. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in P1I between 4, 24 and 72 hours groups. With post hoc analysis, we found that there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between CIT- ALC. Salivary flow rate in citrus and alcohol escalated 12x and 5x respectively. Conclusion This controlled clinical study demonstrated that the citrus mouth- rinse is as comparably effective as alcohol mouth-rinse in plaque inhibition, there is no statistically significant difference between these two groups and there is an escalation in salivary flow rate on both groups.