Penggunaan lumpur HPWBM dan KCL polimer pd tayek 17 ½ inc sumur L3 dan L4 lapangan Simon ditinjau dari parameter pemboran data hooklad, ROP Torsi dan LST
Nomor Panggil : 1298/TP/2020
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2020
Pembimbing 1 : Ir. Lestari, M.T.
Pembimbing 2 : Riski Akbar, S.T., M.T
Subyek : KCl-Polimer
Kata Kunci : HPWBM, drilling hookloads, torsi, ROP and LST
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 13 | |
2. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_pengesahaan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 4 | |
4. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Literatur.pdf |
5. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Bab-3_Kerangka-konsep.pdf |
6. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Bab-4_Metode.pdf | 19 |
7. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf |
8. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2020_TA_STP_071001600106_Lampiran.pdf |
T Terdapat banyak kendala yang ditimbulkan dari formasi ketika dilakukanproses pemboran. Pada formasi shale terdapat banyak kendala seperti swelling, BitBalling, dan Gumbo. Oil based mud adalah fluida pemboran yang dikembangkanuntuk mengatasi masalah pada reactive shale formation dan tahan terhadap tekanandan temperatur yang tinggi. Karena sifat dari oil based mud innert solid sehinggasangat bagus dalam mengatasi shale problem seperti gumbo, swelling dansloughing shale. Sayangnya, oil based mud ini mempunyai kekurangan yaitu hargayang sangat mahal, mencemari lingkungan dan handling yang tidak mudah. OlehKarena itu ketika pemboran melewati formasi yang reaktif shale, biasa digunakanfluida pemboran yaitu KCl-Polimer dan High Performance Water Based, karenalumpur tersebut cocok untuk mengatasi problem shale yang terjadi selama prosespemboran. High Performance Water based mud adalah lumpur yang berbahan dasarair yang memiliki kelebihan juga ramah lingkungan. High Performance Waterbased mud dan KCl-Polimer menggunakan penghambat shale untuk mencegahshale problem selama operasi pemboran berlangsung. Hasil yang diperoleh daripenelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari analisis data nilai hookload, torsi dan ROPdiperoleh nilai rata-rata ROP, hookload dan torsi pada produk lumpur HPWBMsumur L3 secara berurutan adalah 120.62 klbs, 3669 klbs.ft dan 2.12 min/meterkemudian nilai rata-rata hookload, torsi dan ROP pada produk lumpur KCLPolimer sumur L4 secara berurutan adalah 134.60 klbs, 1993.02 klbs.ft dan 1.40min/meter. Kemudian perhitungan jumlah konsentrasi Fin Hib Polyamine 3 %dalam produk lumpur HPWBM yang dibutuhkan pada trayek 17 ½ in sumur L3adalah sebesar 66.32 bbl dan kebutuhan konsentrasi KCl 7 % yang dibutuhkan padatrayek 17 ½ in adalah 147.68 bbl. Untuk nilai LST produk HPWBM, KCL pol 2 %,KCl pol 7 % dan fresh water dalam menghambat swelling clay berturut turut adalah3.29 %, 3.60%, 5.42% dan 9.93%. Kumulatif biaya harian material fluida yangdigunakan pada trayek 17 ½ in sumur L3 lumpur HPWBM lebih murah yaitusebesar USD 45.594,64/hari dibandingkan dengan trayek 17 ½ in sumur L4 lumpurKCl-Polimer adalah USD 55.983,04/hari. Waktu operasi pemboran pada trayek 17½ in sumur L3 lumpur HPWBM adalah 8.5 hari dan pada trayek 17 1/2 in sumurL4 lumpur KCl-Polimer adalah 7.35 hari.
T There are many obstacles that arise from the formation when the drilling processis carried out. In the shale formation there are many obstacles such as swelling, BitBalling, and Gumbo. Oil based mud is a drilling fluid developed to overcomeproblems in reactive shale formation and is resistant to high pressures andtemperatures. Due to the nature of oil based mud innert solid, it is very good inovercoming shale problems such as gumbo, swelling and sloughing shale.Unfortunately, this oil based mud has the disadvantages of being very expensive,polluting the environment and handling that is not easy. Therefore, when drillingpasses through shale-reactive formations, drilling fluids are commonly usednamely KCl-Polymer and High Performance Water Based, because the mud issuitable for overcoming shale problems that occur during the drilling process. HighPerformance Water based mud is water-based mud which has advantages as wellas being environmentally friendly. High Performance Water based mud and KClPolymer use shale inhibitors to prevent shale problems during drilling operations.The results obtained from this study show that from the data analysis of the valueof hookload, torque and ROP obtained the average value of ROP, hookload andtorque on the LW well HPWBM sludge products are 120.62 klbs, 3669 klbs.ft and2.12 min / meters then the values the average hookload, torque and ROP in KCLPolymer L4 sludge well products in sequence were 134.60 klbs, 1993.02 klbs.ft and1.40 min / meter. Then calculate the amount of 3% Fin Hib Polyamineconcentration in the HPWBM sludge product needed on the 17 ½ in route L3 wellis 66.32 bbl and the required 7% KCl concentration required on the 17 ½ in routeis 147.68 bbl. For LST value of HPWBM products, KCL pol 2%, KCl pol 7% andfresh water in inhibiting swelling clay were 3.29%, 3.60%, 5.42% and 9.93%. Thecumulative daily cost of fluid material used on the 17 ½ in route L3 mud HPWBMmud is USD 45,594.64 / day and on the route 17 ½ in L4 KCl-Polymer mud well isUSD 55,983.04 / day. Drilling operation time on the 17 ½ in route L3 well HPWBMmud is 8.5 days and on the route 17 1/2 in L4 KCl-Polymer mud well is 7.35 days.