Analisis kestabilan lereng pada perbukitan batugamping berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium sifat fisik dan sifat mekanik batuan di bukit Kaliwadas, Karangsambung, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah
1.5. This shows the slope in the vicinity of thecrack is relatively stable with Safety Factor > 1.5.A sensitivity analysis done between rock mass properties and slope stability showsa negative correlation between Weight and Safety Factor. This is due to the fact thatincreased weight will cause increased ratio between “driving†force to “resistingforceâ€, causing Safety Factor to fall. On the other hand, the same study shows apositive correlation between Cohesion/ Internal Angle of Friction and SafetyFactor. The bigger the Cohesion and Internal Angle of Friction are, the more“resisting†force the slope will have; this causes decreased ratio of “driving†forceto “resisting†force and thus, Safety Factor will increase." /> 1.5. This shows the slope in the vicinity of thecrack is relatively stable with Safety Factor > 1.5.A sensitivity analysis done between rock mass properties and slope stability showsa negative correlation between Weight and Safety Factor. This is due to the fact thatincreased weight will cause increased ratio between “driving†force to “resistingforceâ€, causing Safety Factor to fall. On the other hand, the same study shows apositive correlation between Cohesion/ Internal Angle of Friction and SafetyFactor. The bigger the Cohesion and Internal Angle of Friction are, the more“resisting†force the slope will have; this causes decreased ratio of “driving†forceto “resisting†force and thus, Safety Factor will increase." /> 1.5. This shows the slope in the vicinity of thecrack is relatively stable with Safety Factor > 1.5.A sensitivity analysis done between rock mass properties and slope stability showsa negative correlation between Weight and Safety Factor. This is due to the fact thatincreased weight will cause increased ratio between “driving†force to “resistingforceâ€, causing Safety Factor to fall. On the other hand, the same study shows apositive correlation between Cohesion/ Internal Angle of Friction and SafetyFactor. The bigger the Cohesion and Internal Angle of Friction are, the more“resisting†force the slope will have; this causes decreased ratio of “driving†forceto “resisting†force and thus, Safety Factor will increase." /> 1.5. This shows the slope in the vicinity of thecrack is relatively stable with Safety Factor > 1.5.A sensitivity analysis done between rock mass properties and slope stability showsa negative correlation between Weight and Safety Factor. This is due to the fact thatincreased weight will cause increased ratio between “driving†force to “resistingforceâ€, causing Safety Factor to fall. On the other hand, the same study shows apositive correlation between Cohesion/ Internal Angle of Friction and SafetyFactor. The bigger the Cohesion and Internal Angle of Friction are, the more“resisting†force the slope will have; this causes decreased ratio of “driving†forceto “resisting†force and thus, Safety Factor will increase." />
Nomor Panggil : 343/TT/2017
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Masagus Ahmad Azizi
Pembimbing 2 : Irfan Marwanza
Subyek : Slope stability
Kata Kunci : crack, slope, physical and mechanical properties of rock, sensitivity analysis, safety factor, avala
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 23 | |
2. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
10. | 2017_TA_TB_073001300042_Lampiran.pdf |
T Terdapatnya rekahan yang muncul di Lereng Perbukitan Batugamping yangsemakin melebar dan relatif dalam, dikhawatirkan akan menimbulkan potensilongsor yang dapat menyebabkan fatalitas dan rusaknya infrastruktur umum di areasekitar perbukitan Batugamping, Bukit Kaliwadas, Karangsambung, Kebumen,Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi sifat fisikdan mekanik batuan terhadap kestabilan lereng di sekitar rekahan tersebut.Sejumlah sampel batuan diambil dari lokasi penelitian, dan dilakukan uji sifat fisikdan mekanik. Uji Laboratorium terhadap sampel batuan mencakup uji sifat fisik,Uji Kuat tekan Uniaksal, dan Uji Kuat Geser Langsung. Selanjutnya dilakukanperhitungan nilai FK (Faktor Keamanan) dan PK (Probabilitas Kelongsoran)menggunakan metode kesetimbangan batas “Janbu Simplified†dan metodesampling Monte Carlo dengan asumsi jenis longsoran bidang.Berdasarkan hasil Uji UCS, diperoleh kekuatan batuan utuh Batugamping(Kalkarenit) berada di kategori Low Strength dan kekuatan batuan utuhBatugamping (Kalsilutit) Atas dan Bawah di kategori Very Low, berdasarkanKlasifikasi batuan utuh ISRM (1979). Nilai kohesi dan sudut gesek dalam dari UjiKuat Geser Langsung Batugamping (Kalkarenit) pada kondisi puncak dan sisasebesar 0.31 Mpa; 43.44° dan 55.6 kPa; 34.8°. Untuk Batugamping (Kalsilutit) Atasdan Bawah diperoleh kohesi pada kondisi puncak dan sisa sebesar (0.22; 0.23)Mpadan (36.06; 34.28)kPa, sedangkan sudut gesek dalam pada kondisi puncak dan sisasebesar (39.83; 42.44)° dan (31.2; 29.8)°Berdasarkan hasil analisis kestabilan lereng di sekitar rekahan, diperoleh FKprobabilistik dan PK pada penampang C-D sebesar 2.06 dan 0%, penampang E-Fsebesar 1.84 dan 0.2%, dan penampang G-H sebesar 3.17 dan 0%. RekomendasiFK Minimum lereng alami dari Direktorat Jendral Pekerjaan Umum (KepMen PU.No378/KPTS/1987) menyatakan nilai minimum FK lereng alami > 1.5. Sehinggalereng disekitar rekahan dapat dikategorikan stabil, dimana FK Probabilistik > 1.5.Berdasarkan hasil Analisa Sensitivitas sifat batuan terhadap FK, didapatkan bahwapengaruh bobot isi terhadap nilai FK lereng berbanding terbalik dengan kohesi dansudut gesek dalam. Peningkatan bobot isi terhadap nilai FK akan memperbesarbeban yang diterima lereng sehingga gaya penggerak pada lereng semakin besar.Penambahan nilai kohesi dan sudut gesek terhadap nilai FK akan memperbesar kuatgeser dan gaya penahan pada lereng sehingga kemantapan lereng semakin besar.
T The presence of cracks on the slopes of hills Limestone relatively widening anddeep, is worried to cause a potential landslide that will make a fatality anddestruction to infrastructure in Limestone Hills in Kaliwadas, Karangsambung,Kebumen, Central Java. This research was conducted to determine the effect ofvariations in the physical and mechanical properties of the rock slope stabilit yaround the crack. A number of rock samples taken from the research location, andtested the physical and mechanical properties. Laboratory tests on rock samplesinclude physical properties, uniaxial compressive strength test, and Direct ShearStrength Test. Furthermore, the calculation of the value of SF (Safety Factor) andPA (Probability Avalanche) using limit equilibrium method "Janbu Simplified" andMonte Carlo sampling method assuming a kind of plane avalanche.Based on Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) test conducted and ISRM (1979)Classification of Intact Rock Strength, Calcarenite Limestone can be categorized asLow Strength, Top and Bottom Calcilutite Limestone categorized as Very Low.Based on Direct Shear Strength Test, peak and residual Cohesion value ofCalcarenite Limestone is 0.31 Mpa and 55.6 kPa; peak and residual of Internalfriction angle is 43.44° and 34.8°. For Top Calcilutite Limestone, peak and residualCohesion value is 0.22 Mpa and 36.36 kPa; peak and residual of Internal frictionangle is 39.83° and 31.2°. Lastly, for Bottom Calcilutite Limestone, peak andresidual Cohesion value is 0.23 Mpa and 34.28 kPa; peak and residual of Internalfriction angle is 42.44° and 29.8°Based on Slope Stability Analysis, probabilistic Safety Factor and LandslideProbability of cross-section C – D is 2.06 and 0%, cross-section E – F is 1.84 and0.2% as well as cross-section G – H is 3.17 and 0%. According to the official Orderby the Ministry of Public Works (KepMen PU. No378/KPTS/1987), the SafetyFactor of natural slope must be >1.5. This shows the slope in the vicinity of thecrack is relatively stable with Safety Factor > 1.5.A sensitivity analysis done between rock mass properties and slope stability showsa negative correlation between Weight and Safety Factor. This is due to the fact thatincreased weight will cause increased ratio between “driving†force to “resistingforceâ€, causing Safety Factor to fall. On the other hand, the same study shows apositive correlation between Cohesion/ Internal Angle of Friction and SafetyFactor. The bigger the Cohesion and Internal Angle of Friction are, the more“resisting†force the slope will have; this causes decreased ratio of “driving†forceto “resisting†force and thus, Safety Factor will increase.