Perencanaan pengelolaan sampah dengan prinsip 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) di Grand Royal Penghegar Bandung
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2013
Pembimbing 1 : Ratnaningsih
Pembimbing 2 : Pramiati Purwaningrum
Subyek : Waste management;Analysis of costs and benefits
Kata Kunci : waste management with the 3R principles, analysis of costs and benefits
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2013_TA_TL_08207006_-Lampiran.pdf |
P Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan sistem pengelolaan sampah untukmengatasi masalah persampahan khususnya di Grand Royal Panghegar. Kebijakan danstrategi dibidang persampahan, yaitu perlunya melakukan proses pengurangan volumesampahdan penanganan sampah sedekat mungkindengan sumbernya, maka salahsatualternatifnya adalah mengembangkan suatu konsep pengelolaan sampah yang didasarkanmelalui beberapa pendekatan baik itu aspek teknologi, lingkungan, masyarakat sertaekonomi secara terpadu dalam suatu prinsip yaitu “3R (Reduce, Reuse,Recycle)â€.Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dan merencanakansistempengelolaan sampah, yang meliputi pemilahan/pewadahan, pengumpulan, pengangkutandan pengolahan sampah diGrand Royal Panghegar, dengan mempertimbangkan prinsip3R dan membandingkan beberapa alternatif pengelolaan sampah dengan memperhatikananalisa biaya dan manfaat (cost and benefit).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukandi Grand Royal Panghegar diperoleh total jumlah timbulan sampah sebesar 4,34 ton/hariyang teridiri dari 1,83 ton/hari sampah organik (±42% dari total timbulan sampah), 2,51ton/hari sampah anorganik (± 58% dari total timbulan sampah). Sampah organik sendiriterdiri dari beberapa komponen, yaitu : sampah plastik 1,28 ton/hari (±29% dari totalsampah anorganik), sampah kertas (±8% dari total sampah anorganik), sampah kaleng0,67 ton/hari (±16% dari total sampah anorganik), dan sampah lain-lain 0,21 ton/hari(±5% dari total sampah anorganik).Tiga alternatif pengolahan sampah yang direncanakan di Grand Royal Panghegar,(1)bermitra dengan Dinas Kebersihan, (2) bermitra dengan swasta, (3) pembangunanpabrik pengolahan kompos milik Grand Royal Panghegar.Berdasarkan perhitungananalisa biaya dan manfaat dengan mengunakan metode payback period (masapengembalian investasi), maka dinilai alternatif ketiga mencapai kondisi layak, dengannilai payback period lebih kecil dari nilai payback period maksimum.Alternatif ketiga(pembangunan pabrik pengolahan kompos) adalah alternatif terpilih dalam rencanapengelolaan sampah di Grand Royal Panghegar.
T The research was motivated by the problems of waste management systems to addressthe garbage problem especially in the Grand Royal Panghegar. Policies and strategies inthe field of waste management, namely the need to do the reduction of waste volumeand waste as close as possible to the source, then one alternative is to develop a conceptthat is based waste management through a number of approaches that both aspects oftechnology, the environment, society and economy in an integrated manner principle of"3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)". The purpose of this study was to evaluate and plan forthe waste management system, which includes sorting, collection, transportation andprocessing of waste at the Grand Royal Panghegar, taking into account the principles ofthe 3R and compare several alternative waste management with respect to the analysisof costs and benefits (cost and benefit) . Based on the results of research conducted atthe Grand Royal Panghegar obtained total waste generation of 4.34 tons/day whichconsist of 1.83 tons/day of organic waste (±42% of the total waste generation), 2.51tons/day of inorganic waste (±58% of the total waste generation). Organic waste consistsof several components: plastic bins 1.28 tons/day (±29% of the total inorganic waste),waste paper (±8% of the total inorganic), garbage cans 0.67 tons/day (±16% of the totalinorganic), and miscellaneous junk 0.21 ton/day (±5% of the total inorganic).Three alternative waste treatment planned in the Grand Royal Panghegar, (1) inpartnership with the Department of Hygiene, (2) partnering with the private sector, (3)composting plant owned Grand Royal Panghegar. Based on the calculation of cost andbenefit analysis using the method of payback period (payback period), then the thirdalternative assessed achieve decent condition, with a payback period is less than themaximum payback period. The third alternative (composting plant) is selectedalternative waste management plan, Grand Royal Panghegar.