Usulan perbaikan konsentrasi kerja operator pada area tenun di unit weaving 2 PT.Argo Pantes Tbk
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2012
Pembimbing 1 : Winnie Septiani
Pembimbing 2 : Nataya Choroonsri Rizani
Subyek : Industrial safety - Management;Factories - Safety measures;Industrial plants
Kata Kunci : operator working, weaving, PT Argo Pantes
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2012_TA_TI_06308026_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT ARGO PANTES merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di industri tekstil. Salah satu pabriknya yaitu Weaving 2 telah terjadi 16 kecelakaan selama tahun 2008-2012. Pada penelitian pendahuluan dengan penilaian risiko menunjukkan risiko kecelakaan tertinggi diakibatkan penurunan konsentrasi pekerja area tenun dengan nilai sebesar 25 dari skala 100. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan usulan perbaikan pada faktor penurunan konsentrasi operator yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan pada penyebab masalah. Berdasarkan identifikasi Fault Tree analysis didapatkan penyebab penurunan konsentrasi yaitu suhu, operator merasa jauh dari sumber kebisingan, alat pelindung diri tidak pas, operator merasa belum saat nya mengunakan APD, terburu-buru, pencahayaan, display garis pada lantai, dan tanda bahaya pada mesin. Hasil pengukuran gangguan konsentrasi dengan short term memory pada operator untuk mengingat sederet angka menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi operator sebelum dan setelah berada di ruangan tenun. Berdasarkan general areas inspection checklist didapatkan 10 perbaikan perlu dilakukan di ruangan tenun. Perbaikan tersebut yaitu suhu, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, kondisi permukaan lantai, terdapat sisa proyek yang tertunda, lantai licin, stop kontak, komponen listrik yang kotor, pencahayaan dan silau. Usulan perbaikan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi operator yaitu on-the job safety training, pemberian alat bantu display, menurunkan suhu ruangan, pengantian lampu dan hearing protection. Pada tahap implementasi mengunakan uji faktorial dengan variabel respon yaitu persentase deret huruf yang diingat dan variabel bebas yaitu pencahayaan, suhu dan hearing protection berdasarkan hash! checklist sebelumnya. Faktor pencahayaan dengan percobaan 384 lux yaitu kondisi awal di area tenun dan 500 lux. Faktor suhu dengan percobaan pada jam 9.00-10.00 antara 27-29°C dan jam 13.00-14.00 antara 31-34°C. Faktor hearing protection dengan mengunakan ear plug yaitu hearing protection standart dan ear muff Berdasarkan hasil implementasi dan uji wilayah berganda Duncan menghasilkan pergantian ear muff dan menjaga suhu ruangan pada rentang 27-29°C merupakan usulan terbaik meningkatkan konsentrasi operator.
P PT ARGO PALATES is a company that is engaged in the textile industry. Weaving 2 is one of their factories has gained 16 accidents occurred during the years 2008-2012. In the preliminary study, a risk assessment method indicated the highest risk of accidents coused by decrease of workers concentration in the Weaving area with a value of 25 from 100 scale.The study aims to proposed improvements for factors that decrease the concentration of operator which implemented on the cause of the problem. Based on identification Fault Tree Analysis earned causes of decline in the concentration are heat, operator felt away from the noise source, personal protective equipment does not fit, operator felt not yet time to use PPE, in a hurry, lighting, display line on the floor, and sign of danger on the machine. The results of measurements of concentration problems with short term memory on the operator to remember series of numbers show there are differences in operator concentration before and after being in the weaving room. Based on the general inspection checklist areas earned 10 improvements that need to be done in the weaving room. Those improvements are temperature, air circulation, noise, floor surface conditions, there is the rest of the project is delayed, slippery floors, light switches, electrical components are dirty, lighting and glare. Proposed improvements to increase the concentration of operator i.e. on-the-job safety training, providing assistive display devices, lowering the temperature of the room, the replacement of lights and hearing protection. In the implementation phase using factorial test with the response variable is the percentage of series letters that memorable and independent variables i.e. lighting, temperature, and hearing protection based on the results of the previous checklist. Lighting factors experimental conducted with 384 lux of initial conditions in the area of weaving and 500 lux. Temperature factors experimental conducted in 9.00 to 10.00 AM between 27-29°C and 13.00-14.00 PM between 31-34°C. Hearing protection factors experimental conducted with using ear plugs that is standard hearing protection and ear Muff. Based on the results of the implementation and Duncan test of multiple regions resulted change ear Muff and keep temperature in the range 27-29°C at room is the best proposal increases the concentration of operator.