Evaluasi penyebab genangan banjir dan usulan pemecahannya di Kecamatan Kramat Jati - Jakarta Timur
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2006
Pembimbing 1 : Haryoto
Pembimbing 2 : Winarni
Subyek : Flood control;Drainage
Kata Kunci : flood, evaluation, river basin, drain, back up of water
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Bab-8.pdf |
10. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
11. | 2006_TA_STL_08201029_Lampiran.pdf |
K Kecamatan Kramat Jati adalah salah satu kecamatan di wilayah Kodya Jakarta Timur yang terdiri dari 7 Kelurahan aitu Kelurahan Bale Kambang, Batu Ampar, Kampung Tengah, Dukuh, Kramat Jati, Cililitan, dan Cawang. Wilayah studi berada di Kelurahan Kramat Jati, D ikuh dan Cililitan yang terdiri dari 3 Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) yaitu DAS A di Kelurahan Kramat Jati, DAS B di Kelurahan Dukuh dan DAS C di Kelurahan Cililitan. DAS A di Kelurahan Kramat Jati mempunyai 6 sub DAS dan DAS B di Kelurahan Dukuh mempunyai2 sub DAS yang ke dua DAS ini bermuara di Sungai Cipinang, sedangkan DAS Cyang berada di Cililitan hanya mempunyai 1 sub DAS yang bermuara di Sungai Ciliwung. Di Kecamatan Kramat Jati selalu memiliki masalah tahunan berupa genangan atau banjjr yang terjadi pada saat hujan turun dengan _frekuensi. kejadian2 -3 per tahun. Luas dan tinggi genangan bervariasi untuk setiap lokasi, dengantinggi genangan sekitar 50 - _150 cm. Dari hasil evaluasi sistem drainase eksisting terhadap debit banjir pada PUH 2, 5 dan 0 tahun, terlihat bahwa genangan atau banjir yang terjadi di wilayah studi disebabkan oleh kapasitas saluran yang tidak mencukupi dan juga karena pengarqh limpasan sungai. Berdasarkan validasi lokasi genangan diketahui % rata rata deviasi di DAS A= 35,168 %, DAS B =12,456 % dan DAS C = 55,290 %. Maka upaya dilakukan untukmenanggulangi permasalahan genangan atau banjir di wilayah studi akibat saluran yang tidak memenuhi dilakukan redesain saluran dan akibat limpasan sungai dapat dibuat tanggul, pintu air atau dengan konservasi lokal yaitu sumur resapan
A As we know East Jakarta consist of 'if political district, there are: Political district of balekambang, batu Ampar, Kampung Tengah, Dukuh, Kramat Jati, Cililitan, and Cawang. The study case was taken in 3 river basin. River basin of A is on political district of kramat jati, river basin of B is on political district of Dukuh and the last river basin of C is on political district of Cililitan. The river basin of A at Kramat jati political district has 6 sub - river basin. At the Dukuh political district, river basin of B, it has 2 sub- river basin that both empties into Cipinang river. On the other hand the river basin of C that placed in Cililitan only has 1 sub river basin that empties into Ciliwung river. The problem is Kramat jati political district has always get yearly pro lem in he form of:the backup of weter or flood. It happens in raining times witli :frequency of occurrence 2_3 years. For every location die extent and the height of the backup of water/flood are varriated that is around 50 - 150 cm.According to evaluation report of an existing drains system toward flood discharge to 2,5 annual Frequent Period (PUH) and 10 years, it is described that the backup of water or flood that occurred at the study area was caused by the overflowing gutter and al&o river run off influence. Based en :validation backup of water location. It is recognize the percent of deviation at Kramat Jati political district 35, 168%, at Dukuh political district 1.2,456 % and Cililitan 55,290 %. There fore, the efforts that should be taken to cope the backup of water or flood crisis/ problem study area. Are design the gutters to cope the problem that is caused by die over flowing gutters. And it is needed to build a dike flood gate or with local conservation that is absorption well to cope the problem that is caused by river run off influence