Pengaruh relationship marketing orientation terhadap customer satisfaction pada produk home and personal care
A Analisis mengenai Relationship Marketing Orientation dan Customersatisfaction sangat penting untuk pengambilan keputusan manajer pemasaran dalambidang jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dimensi-dimensiRelationship Marketing Orientation yaitu Trust, Bonding, Communication, SharedValue, Emphaty dan Reciprocity terhadap Customer Satisfaction pada perusahaanhome and personal care.Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan perusahaan home and personalcare sebagai obyek penelitian dan metode yang digunakan ialah metode nonprobability sampling dengan teknik Purposive Sampling dan menggunakan alatanalisis Regresi Berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwaterdapat pengaruh positif dimensi-dimensi Relationship Marketing Orientation yaitu:Trust, Bonding, Communication, Shared Value, Emphaty, Reciprocity terhadapCustomer Satisfaction.
A Analysis of the Relationship Marketing Orientation towards Customersatisfaction is very important for decision making in the field of marketing manager.This study aimed to analyze the influence of the dimensions of RelationshipMarketing Orientation which is Trust, Bonding, Communication, Shared Value,Empathy, Reciprocity towards Customer Satisfaction in home and personal carecompany.The study was conducted by using the company's home and personal care asresearch objects and the methods used are non-probability sampling method withpurposive sampling technique and using a multiple regression analysis. Based on theresults of this research, there is a positive effect of the dimensions of RelationshipMarketing Orientation which is: Trust, Bonding, Communication, Shared Value,Empathy, Reciprocity to Customer Satisfaction.