Pengaruh authentic leadership terhadap high performance human resource practice, job performance, dan organizational commitment di bagian customer care
Nomor Panggil : 022001814008
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2021
Pembimbing 1 : Norman Indradjit
Subyek : Personnel management;Customer satisfaction - Marketing
Kata Kunci : authentic leadership, high performance human resource practice, job performance.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 12 | |
2. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 10 | |
4. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Bab-3_Metode-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf |
8. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2021_TA_SMJ_022001814008_Lampiran.pdf |
T Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh Authentic Leadershipterhadap High Performance Human Resource Practice, Job Performance, danOrganizational Commitment pada karyawan customer care Variabelindependen dalam penelitian ini adalah Authentic Leadership dan variabel dependendalam penelitian ini adalah High Performance Human Resource Practice, JobPerformance, dan Organizational Commitment. Data dikumpulkan dari 83 karyawansebagai pemangku kepentingan dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakanadalah purposive sampling. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmenggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana (simple regression).Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh AuthenticLeadership terhadap High Performance Human Resource Practice dengan nilaisignifikansi sebesar 0.00 < 0.05 dan koefisien (β) 0.522, kemudian terdapat pengaruhAuthentic Leadership terhadap Job Performance, dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar0.01 < 0.05 dan koefisien (β) 0.348, dan terdapat pengaruh Authentic Leadershipterhadap Organizational Commitment dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.00 < 0.05 dan koefisien (β) 0.583. Implikasi manajerial dalam penelitian ini yaitu manajemenperusahaan mememberikan motivasi, serta pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengankaryawan, kemudian manajemen perusahaan memberikan pelatihan berjangka secaramerata terhadap karyawan,memperhatikan penempatan kerja karyawan sesuai dengankualifikasi, selain itu manajemen perusahaan memperhatikan pembagian beban kerjakaryawan disesuaikan dengan kualitas individu, serta manajemen perusahaanmemberikan apresiasi berupa penghargaan atas prestasi kerja agar dapat membentukkerikatan dengan baik.
T The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Authentic Leadership onHigh Performance Human Resource Practice, Job Performance, and OrganizationalCommitment to customer care employees. The independent variable in thisstudy is Authentic Leadership and the dependent variable in this study is HighPerformance Human Resource Practice, Job Performance, and OrganizationalCommitment. Data were collected from 83 employees as stakeholders with the datacollection technique used was purposive sampling. The hypothesis test used in thisresearch is using simple linear regression analysis.The results of hypothesis testing indicate that there is an effect of AuthenticLeadership on High Performance Human Resource Practice with a significance valueof 0.00 < 0.05 and a coefficient (β) of 0.522, then there is an effect of AuthenticLeadership on Job Performance, with a significance value of 0.01 < 0.05 and acoefficient (β) of 0.348. , and there is an effect of Authentic Leadership onOrganizational Commitment with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05 and a coefficient(β) of 0.583. The managerial implication in this study is that the company's management provides motivation, as well as knowledge related to employees, then thecompany's management provides evenly timed training to employees, pays attentionto employee work placement according to qualifications, besides that companymanagement pays attention to the division of employee workloads according toindividual qualities. , as well as the management of the company giving appreciationin the form of awards for work performance in order to form a good relationship.