Kajian kualitas air dan pola distribusi fitoplankton di Waduk Sunter Utara, Jakarta Utara
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan
Pembimbing 2 : Astri Rinanti
Subyek : Air quality;Characteristics of the northern sunter reservoir;Composition of phytoplankton types
Kata Kunci : distribusion pattern, phytoplankton, water quality, North Sunter Reservoir
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Halaman-judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2018_TA_STL_082001200011_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 7 | |
8. | 2018_TA_STL_082001300011_Lampiran.pdf |
W Waduk Sunter Utara terletak di Jl. Danau Bisma, Kelurahan Papanggo, Kecamatan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara dengan luas ± 32 Ha dan kedalaman ± 0,4–3,88 meter. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan karakteristik, kualitas air, status mutu waduk, dan menentukan pola distribusi fitoplankton, serta menentukan model ekologi di Waduk Sunter Utara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017 – Januari 2018 dengan 12 titik lokasi pengambilan sampel mewakili zona atau karakteristik waduk yang dipengaruhi oleh masukan dan jenis kegiatan di sekitar waduk. Pengukuran kualitas air untuk parameter fisik dan kimia di perairan Waduk Sunter Utara mengacu pada PERGUB DKI Jakarta No 582 Tahun 1995. Parameter yang melebihi baku mutu diantaranya adalah kekeruhan (15,75– 210,8 NTU), TDS (461,5–807,7 mg/l), nitrat (3,92–30,31 mg/L), dan fosfat (2,19–33,79 mg/l). Status mutu Waduk Sunter Utara berdasarkan nilai Indeks Pencemar (IP) yaitu sebesar 6,69 – 7,81 (tercemar sedang). Kelimpahan fitoplankton berkisar 1125–376188 sel/L yang terdiri dari 4 filum yaitu Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta, Chlorophyta, dan Euglenophyta. Indeks keanekaragaman (H’) berkisar 0,18–2,58 (tercemar ringan) dan komunitas biota stabil dengan keanekaragaman sedang. Nilai keseragaman (E) berkisar 0,09–0,94 mengindikasikan keseragaman antar spesies relatif merata. Nilai dominansi (D) berkisar 0,08–1,89 mengindikasikan bahwa terjadi tekanan ekologis. Indeks saprobitas (X) berkisar (-2,98)–0,65 (tercemar cukup berat) oleh bahan organik. Jenis fitoplankton yang sering ditemukan di perairan Waduk Sunter Utara ialah filum Cyanophyta (67,2%). Sumber pencemaran di Waduk Sunter Utara disebabkan oleh buangan organik dan anorganik dari aktivitas di sekitar waduk terutama aktivitas rumah tangga. Distribusi fitoplankton berdasarkan struktur komunitasnya bervariasi dan tersebar merata ke seluruh sisi waduk pada periode II (Oktober). Kategori model ekologi yang menggambarkan ekosistem Waduk Sunter Utara ialah model Motomura yang menjelaskan bahwa perairan tercemar dan terdapat persaingan kuat antar biota.
N North Sunter Reservoir is located on Jl. Danau Bisma, Papanggo Village, Tanjung Priok District, North Jakarta with an area of ± 32 Ha and a depth of ± 0,4-3,88 meters. This study aims to determine the characteristics, water quality, reservoir quality status, and determine the distribution pattern of phytoplankton and determine the ecological model in North Sunter Reservoir. This research was conducted in August-January 2018 with 12 sampling locations representing the zones or characteristics of reservoirs that are influenced by inputs and types of activities around the reservoir. Water quality measurements for physical and chemical parameters in the waters of North Sunter Reservoir refer to the PERGUB DKI Jakarta No. 582 of 1995. Parameters that exceed quality standards include turbidity (015.75-210.8 NTU), TDS (461.5-807,7 mg / l), nitrate (3,92-30,31 mg / L), and phosphate (2,19-33,79 mg / l). The quality status of North Sunter Reservoir is based on Pollution Index (IP) value of 6,69 – 7,81 (moderate polluted). Phytoplankton abundance ranged from 1125-376188 cells/L consisting of 4 phyla namely Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta, Chlorophyta, and Euglenophyta. Diversity index (H ') ranges from 0,18 - 2,58 indicating mild polluted waters and stable biota communities with moderate diversity. Uniformity (E) range from 0,09 to 0,94 indicating uniformity between species is relatively evenly distributed. Dominance (D) ranges from 0,08 to 1,89 indicating that there is ecological pressure on the waters so that there are species that dominate. Saprobitas index (X) ranges from (-2,98) to 0,65 classified as polluted quite heavily by organic matter. The type of phytoplankton that is often found in the waters of North Sunter Reservoir is the Cyanophyta phylum (67,2%). The source of pollution in the North Sunter Reservoir is caused by organic and inorganic waste from activities around the reservoir, especially household activities. Distribution of phytoplankton based on the community structure varies and is evenly distributed to all sides of the reservoir in second period (October). The ecological model category that describes the North Sunter Reservoir ecosystem is the Motomura model which explains that waters are polluted and there is strong competition between biota