Pengukuran operational risk management dengan metode as/nzs iso 31000:2009 di Perusahaan Start-up Outsourcing Celerates


Oleh : Adinda Aniza

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Tiena G Amran

Subyek : Measurement;Risk management

Kata Kunci : risk management, priority risk, residual risk, risk monitoring hierarchy, start-up, IT, AS/NZS, ISO,

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Halaman-Judul.pdf 12
2. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 6
4. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 12
5. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf 12
6. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 64
7. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf 2
8. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 2
9. 2020_TA_STI_063001600117_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 2

K Keputusan perusahaan untuk melakukan outsource didasari oleh biaya yang lebihmurah, produktivitas yang lebih meningkat, kualitas yang lebih tinggi. Perusahaanoutsource sebagai penyedia layanan akan mempermudah perusahaan (klien) sebagaipenerima layanan fokus pada bidang utamanya, seperti bidang teknologi dan informasi(IT). Hal ini mendasari munculnya perusahaan start-up outsourcing Celerates untukmelakukan pengembangan talenta-talenta IT berupa training tenaga kerja IT danmenyalurkannya ke perusahaan ingin melakukan outsource fungsi IT diperusahaannya. Kegiatan operasional outsourcing IT tidak lepas dari risiko, sepertitidak tersedianya sumber daya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan klien, hambatan padatraining karyawan, dan human error yang berakibat pada kesalahan sistem. Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh pengukuran operational risk managementdengan metode AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009. Langkah risk management yaitumengidentifikasi risiko, sumber risiko, dan bidang dampak risiko; menilaikemungkinan kejadian dan dampak risiko; menganalisis penyebab risiko dan strategipenanggulangan risiko. Identifikasi dan penilaian risiko dilakukan oleh ahli sebagaiassessor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan expert judgement yangmemahami keseluruhan kinerja operasional perusahaan. Responden terdiri dari CEO,COO, GA, Finance and Accounting Manager, Sales Manager, dan PMO yang akanmencakup semua subjek dampak risiko, yaitu finansial, fasilitas, performa pekerjaan,karyawan, teknologi, peraturan dan reputasi perusahaan. Pelaksanaan dan pengukuranpenelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji kinerja operasional perusahaan, mengacu padaketentuan metode AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 dan risk management menurut Cooper etal. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasi terdapat 140 dampak risiko yaitu 82 risikointernal dan 58 risiko eksternal. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penurunan peringkatfatalitas risiko dari kondisi awal. Di kondisi awal, terdapat 39 risiko tinggi (20.53%dari 140 dampak risiko), setelah dilakukan validasi, masih terdapat 8 risiko yangmemiliki peringkat tinggi (4.21% dari 190 dampak risiko), dan 31 risiko lainnyamenurun ke peringkat rendah atau sedang. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan untukorganisasi manufaktur diskret dan kontinu serta jasa, untuk perusahaan start up ini akanmenjaga sustainabilias perusahaan.

A A company's decision to outsource is based on many consideration including lowercosts, increased productivity, and better performance quality. Outsourcing companiesas service providers will help their clients, other companies who use outsourcingservices, to focus on their core business activities, such as the information andtechnology (IT) aspect of their company. This underlies the emergence of Celerates asan outsourcing start-up company to develop IT talents and deploy them to companieswho wanted to outsource IT functions in their companies. However, IT outsourcingactivities are prone to risk, such as the unavailability of resources to meet client needs,obstacles in employee training, and human errors that result in system errors. Thepurpose of this research is to obtain operational risks management assessment ormeasurement using the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 method. Risk management processbegins with identifying risks, sources of risks, and risk impacts; goes on to assess therisks by its likelihood of occurrence and the risk impacts; finally analyzing the causesof the identified risks and most importantly, the solutions or strategies that will beimplemented to treat the identified risks. Risk identification and assessment are carriedout by those considered as experts in the company. Data needed for the research areobtained by using the expert-judgment approach. The respondents are those whounderstand the overall operational activities and performance of the company. Theyconsist of CEO, COO, GA, Finance and Accounting Manager, Sales Manager, andPMO. These respondents would cover all subjects of risk impact in their respectiveexpertise namely financial, facilities, job performance, employees, technology,regulations, and company reputation. The implementation and measurement of thisresearch are conducted by reviewing the company's operational activities, referring tothe AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 method and risk management according to Cooper et al.This research identified 140 risk impacts which consisted of 82 internal risks and 58external risks. The result of this research is a decrease in risk fatality compared to theinitial conditions. In the initial condition, there were 39 high risks (20.53% of 190 riskimpacts). After the residual risks are calculated, there were still 8 risks that had a highrating (4.21% of 190 risk impacts), and 31 other risks decreased to low or moderate.This research can be used for discrete and continuous manufacturing organizations andservices, for start-up companies that will maintain the company's sustainability.

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