Pengaruh dimensi organizational justice dan dimensi trust terhadap employee engagement pada Alkhairaat Islamic School Jakarta
Nomor Panggil : 2017_TA_MJ_022121012
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Sarfilianty Anggiani
Subyek : Procedural justice;Human resource management and organization
Kata Kunci : procedural justice, distributive justice, interactional justice, vertical trust, horizontal trust.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Halaman-judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Bab-1.pdf | 7 | |
3. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
8. | 2017_TA_MJ_022121012_Lampiran.pdf |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dimensi OrganizationalJustice dan dimensi Trust terhadap Employee Engagement. Variabel independendalam penelitian ini adalah Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, InteractionalJustice, Vertical Trust dan Horizontal Trust. sedangkan variable dependen adalahEmployee Engagement. Data dikumpulkan dari 77 karyawan (guru) AlkhairaatIslamic School di Jakarta yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Metode teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah sensus. Metode analisis datamenggunakan statistik deskriptif dan uji regresi berganda.Hasil menjelaskan bahwa Procedural Justice berpengaruh positif terhadapEmployee Engagement yang ditunjukan dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,048,Distributive Justice berpengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagement yangditunjukan dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,046, Interactional Justice berpengaruhpositif terhadap Employee Engagement yang ditunjukan dengan nilai signifikansebesar 0,038, Vertical Trust berpengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagementyang ditunjukan dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 dan Horizontal Trustberpengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagement yang ditunjukan dengan nilaisignifikan sebesar 0,000. Implikasi yang sangat penting dari temuan ini adalah bahwa penelitian ini akan membantu Alkhairaat Islamic School untuk melibatkan karyawan mereka dengan cara yang lebih baik. Penelitian menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan perlu meningkatkan rasa keadilan dalam hal Procedural serta lebih memperhatikan Trust antara atasan dengan bawahan.
T This study aims to analyze the influence of dimension of OrganizationalJustice and dimension of Trust toward Employee Engagement. The independentvariables in this study are Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, InteractionalJustice, Vertical Trust and Horizontal Trust while dependent variable is EmployeeEngagement. Data were collected from 77 employees (teachers) of AlkhairaatIslamic School located in Jakarta who participated in this study. Methods of datacollection techniques used were the census. Methods of data analyze used statisticdescription and multiple regresion.The results explain that Procedural Justice positively effect on EmployeeEngagement is indicated by significant value of 0,048, Distributive Justice positivelyeffect on Employee Engagement is indicated by significant value of 0,046,Interactional Justice positively effect on Employee Engagement is indicated bysignificant value of 0,038, Vertical Trust positively effect on Employee Engagementis indicated by significant value of 0,000, and Horizontal Trust positively effect onEmployee Engagement is indicated by significant value of 0,000.A very important implication from the findings is that the research will help the Alkhairaat Islamic School engage their employees in a better manner.The study explains that the company needs to improve in terms of Procedural Justice and have more attention to the Trust relation between manager and employee.