Analisis keberhasilan pelaksanaan injeksi air dengan memperhatikan efisiensi penyapuan dan faktor perolehan pada lapangan X
Nomor Panggil : 2113/TP/2013
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2013
Pembimbing 1 : Sugiatmo Kasmungin
Subyek : Reservoirs
Kata Kunci : production, injection wells, water injection, oil cut plot, voidage replacement ratio (VRR)
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_9.pdf | 31 |
2. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_8.pdf | 50 |
3. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_7.pdf |
4. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_6.pdf |
5. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_5.pdf | 39 |
6. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_4.pdf | 10 |
7. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_3.pdf |
8. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_2.pdf |
9. | 2013_TA_TM_07109275_1.pdf |
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X X Field was discovered in 1985 by PT STANVAC has performed water injection. In this study discussed effect of sweep efficiency and recovery factor obtained until this X field abandoned, knowing the connectivity between the production and injection wells, and evaluating the performance of water injection in the field. The method used to analyze the sweep efficiency in the X field is Tarek Ahmed method for areal sweep efficiency, Dkystra-Parson method for vertical sweep efficiency, and Tarek Ahmed method for displacement efficiency. Then in analyzing connectivity injection wells and production wells are done by plotting the WOR/WOR versus cumulative time. Then in evaluate the performance of water injection on the X field by using voidage and voidage replacement ratio (VRR). And the last, in analyzes the recovery factor of the X field, where Statistical method used to determine the recovery factor can be achieved in this field before production, and use Oil Cut Plot method to determine the maximum recovery factor can be obtained when it has produced. Calculation of sweep efficiency analysis in this field until the end point obtained at 46.5%. Analysis of connectivity between the injection wells with production wells based on the plot between WOR/WOR vs Time got a results for the X field is channeling, it is indicating that the produced water from injection wells. Performance evaluation of water injection on the X field showed that overall pressure for this field can be maintained based on the voidage and VRR. Based on analysed recovery factor with Oil Cut Plots method and Statistical method that X field can still achieve recovery factor of 2.5% -3.2%.