Perancangan lansekap rekreasi Waduk Pluit, Jakarta Utara (Recreation of Pluit's Dam, North Jakarta)
direct, through, centered, Green architectural elements, aesthetic elements, conservation elements, geometric shapes> squares, circles, meanders, polygons, combinations > Square, Circle, Meander, Polygon and Utilities Can accommodate activities on site in terms of clean water, lighting, waste management.In the landscape design it is divided into 3 zoning, namely the receiving area, recreation area, and hotel area." /> direct, through, centered, Green architectural elements, aesthetic elements, conservation elements, geometric shapes> squares, circles, meanders, polygons, combinations > Square, Circle, Meander, Polygon and Utilities Can accommodate activities on site in terms of clean water, lighting, waste management.In the landscape design it is divided into 3 zoning, namely the receiving area, recreation area, and hotel area." /> direct, through, centered, Green architectural elements, aesthetic elements, conservation elements, geometric shapes> squares, circles, meanders, polygons, combinations > Square, Circle, Meander, Polygon and Utilities Can accommodate activities on site in terms of clean water, lighting, waste management.In the landscape design it is divided into 3 zoning, namely the receiving area, recreation area, and hotel area." /> direct, through, centered, Green architectural elements, aesthetic elements, conservation elements, geometric shapes> squares, circles, meanders, polygons, combinations > Square, Circle, Meander, Polygon and Utilities Can accommodate activities on site in terms of clean water, lighting, waste management.In the landscape design it is divided into 3 zoning, namely the receiving area, recreation area, and hotel area." />
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2000
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Chalim
Pembimbing 2 : Iwan Ismaun
Subyek : Lakefront recreation - Designs and plans;Landscape architecture
Kata Kunci : Pluit's Dam, North Jakarta, recreation area
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 6 | |
4. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-2_Studi-Kepustakaan,-Studi-Banding....pdf |
5. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-3_Identifikasi-Potensi-dan-Kendala-Tapak....pdf |
6. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-4_Program-Pengembangan-Kebutuhan-Ruang....pdf |
7. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-5_Konsep-Perancangan-Lansekap.pdf |
8. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Bab-6_Rancangan-Lansekap.pdf |
9. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
10. | 2000_TA_SAL_08194063_Lampiran.pdf |
K Karena kebutuhan lahan mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, mengakibatkan naiknya nilai lahan yang tidak disertai dengan kenaikan tingkat sosial ekonomi. Akhirnya terjadi penggunaan lahan yang tidak efisien dan persaingan antara berbagai pengguna lahan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sarana rekreasi untuk pariwisata yang menjadi suatu program pembangunan ekonomi, fisik dan sosial budaya. Pengembangan Rekreasi Waduk Pluit Jakarta Utara menjadi salah satu Kawasan yang dapat dikembangkan karena letaknya yang cukup strategis. Interpretasi yang dipilih dalam proses perancangan ini adalah “Interpretasi Lansekap Sebagai Artefak†dan tema yang ditentukan yaitu “Rekreasi Tepi Danau Dalam Kotaâ€. Salah satu tujuan dari perancangan ini adalah merancang tapak supaya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Kawasan Rekreasi Waduk Pluit akan sarana rekreasi dan landmark Kawasan.Potensi dari tapak ini antara lain adalah dengan adanya waduk yang luasnya dominan pada tapak, dpaat menurunkan suhu yang tergolong panas sehingga tercipta suasana yang nyaman. Sementara kendala yang terjadi antara lain air waduk yang dominan dalam tapak, pada waktu-waktu tertentu memantulkan cahaya sehingga dapat mengganggu kegiatan dalam tapak, solusinya yaitu dengan memberi buffer di tempat-tempat yang diperlukan untuk menahan pantulan cahaya sehingga kegiatan dalam tapak tidak terganggu.Program kebutuhan yang ada terdiri dari sarana-sarana yang meninjang kegiatan rekreasi yaitu rekreasi darat dan rekreasi air serta sarana yang dapat menunjang kegiatan pada area perhotelan antara lain area olah raga. Pemakai area tersebut terdiri dari anak-anak, remaja, dewasa dan orang tua.Konsep dasar yang digunakan adalah: Ruang yang menerus (continuous space), Sirkulasi menggunakan pergerakan-pergerakan sebagai berikut > langsung, melewati, memusat, Hijau Elemen arsitektur, elemen estetika, elemen konservasi, Bentu Geometris > Persegi, Lingkaran, Meander, Polygon, Gabungan > Persegi, Lingkaran , Meander, Polygon dan Utilitas Dapat mengakomodasi kegiatan pada tapak dalam hal air bersih, penerangan, pengelolaan limbah.Di dalam rancangan lansekap terbagi menjadi 3 zonasi yaitu area penerima, area rekreasi, dan area perhotelan.
B Because the need for land has increased from year to year, resulting in an increase in land value which is not accompanied by an increase in socio-economic level. This results in inefficient land use and competition between various land users. Therefore, recreational facilities are needed for tourism to become an economic, physical and socio-cultural development program. North Jakarta Pluit Reservoir Recreation Development is one of the areas that can be developed because of its strategic location. The interpretation chosen in this design process is "Landscape Interpretation as Artifacts" and the theme chosen is "Inner City Lakefront Recreation". One of the objectives of this design is to design the site so that it can meet the needs of the Pluit Reservoir Recreation Area for recreational facilities and landmarks of the Area.The potential of this site, among others, is the presence of a reservoir which has a dominant area on the site, which can reduce the temperature that is classified as hot so that a comfortable atmosphere is created. While the obstacles that occur include the dominant reservoir water in the site, at certain times it reflects light so that it can interfere with activities on the site, the solution is to provide buffers in the places needed to withstand light reflections so that activities in the site are not disturbed.The existing needs program consists of facilities that support recreational activities, namely land recreation and water recreation as well as facilities that can support activities in the hotel area, including sports areas. The users of the area consist of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.The basic concepts used are: Continuous space, Circulation using the following movements> direct, through, centered, Green architectural elements, aesthetic elements, conservation elements, geometric shapes> squares, circles, meanders, polygons, combinations > Square, Circle, Meander, Polygon and Utilities Can accommodate activities on site in terms of clean water, lighting, waste management.In the landscape design it is divided into 3 zoning, namely the receiving area, recreation area, and hotel area.