Pengaruh compensation, organizational culture terhadap employee retention dimediasi oleh job satisfaction pada karyawan industri manufaktur di depok dan bekasi
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Compensation,Organizational Culture terhadap Employee Retention yang dimediasi Job Satisfactionpada karyawan industri manufaktur di Depok dan Bekasi. Data dikumpulkan dari 270responden industri manufaktur di Depok dan Bekasi dengan teknik pengumpulan datayang digunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptifdengan mencari rata-rata dan untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan SEM Amosversi 24. Sebelum diuji, instrumen telah diuji dengan menggunakan uji validitas danreabilitas dan hanya instrumen pernyataan yang valid yang digunakan untukpenelitian, serta telah dilakukan pengujian model Goodness of Fit (GoF). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Compensation berpengaruh positif terhadap JobSatisfaction, Compensation berpengaruh positif terhadap Employee Retention,Organizational Culture berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Satisfaction danOrganizational Culture berpengaruh positif terhadap Employee Retention. Sedangkanuntuk pengaruh tidak langsung Job Satisfaction dapat memediasi pengaruhCompensation terhadap Employee Retention dan Job Satisfaction dapat memediasipengaruh Organizational Culture terhadap Employee Retention. Implikasi manajerial dalam penelitian diantaranya perusahaan dapat fokus meningkatkan struktur danformalitas dalam Organizational Culture, mengadakan sosialisasi terkait manfaat,peran dan kebijakan iuran jaminan sosial, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kesempatankaryawan untuk bekerja secara mandiri dengan memberikan kesempatan berpartisipasidalam pengambilan keputusan atau pemberian masukan untuk perusahaan, perusahaanjuga dapat mempertahankan tingkat Employee Retention yang sudah baik denganmempertahankan Organizational Culture dan meningkatkan pemberian Compensationkhususnya dalam jaminan sosial yang dapat mendukung Job Satisfaction yangberperan sebagai partial mediation.
T his study aims to analyze the effect of Compensation, Organizational Cultureon Employee Retention mediated by Job Satisfaction on manufacturing industryemployees in Depok and Bekasi. Data were collected from 270 respondents in themanufacturing industry in Depok and Bekasi with data collection techniques usedpurposive sampling. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics by finding the averageand for hypothesis testing using SEM Amos version 24. Before being tested, theinstrument has been tested using validity and reliability tests and only valid statementinstruments are used for research, and Goodness of Fit (GoF) model testing has beencarried out. The results showed that, Compensation has a positive effect on JobSatisfaction, Compensation has a positive effect on Employee Retention,Organizational Culture has a positive effect on Job Satisfaction and OrganizationalCulture has a positive effect on Employee Retention. As for the indirect effect, JobSatisfaction can mediate the effect of Compensation on Employee Retention and JobSatisfaction can mediate the effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Retention.Managerial implications in the study include that companies can focus on improvingstructure and formality in Organizational Culture, conducting socialization related to the benefits, roles and policies of social security contributions, companies can increaseemployee opportunities to work independently by providing opportunities toparticipate in decision making or providing input for the company, companies can alsomaintain a good level of Employee Retention by maintaining Organizational Cultureand increasing the provision of Compensation, especially in social security which cansupport Job Satisfaction which acts as a partial mediation.