Analisis determinan nilai ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia di pasar internasional periode tahun 2004 s.d. 2021
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan nilai ekspor minyak sawitIndonesia di pasar Internasional pada periode tahun 2004 s.d. 2021. Adapun variabelindependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah produksi minyak sawit Indonesia, Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) negara importir, populasi negara importir, nilai tukar dan harga internasional minyak sawit. Penelitian menggunakan metode regresi panel dengan model Fixed Effect Model (FEM) cross-section weighted. Data yang digunakan yakni data time series tahun 2004 – 2021 dan data cross-section 10 negara importir utama minyak sawit (India, China, Pakistan, Belanda, Amerika Serikat, Spanyol, Italia, Bangladesh, Rusia dan Malaysia). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel independen produksi minyak sawit Indonesia, Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) negara importir, populasi negara importir, dan harga internasional minyak sawit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia. Sementara variabel independen nilai tukar tidak mempengaruhi nilai ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia di pasar Internasional periode tahun 2004 s.d. 2021.
T he purpose of this research is to analyze the determinant of Indonesia’s palm oilexport value in the international market for year 2004 to 2021. Independent variables that used in this research are Indonesia’s palm oil production, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population of importing countries, exchange rate and international palm oil price. The Panel Regression Method was utilized in the research, along with the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) cross-section weighted model. The data utilized is a time series from 2004 – 2021 and cross section of 10 major palm oil importing countries (India, China, Pakistan, Netherlands, United States of America, Spain, Italia, Bangladesh, Russian Federation and Malaysia).The findings reveal that independent variables such as Indonesia’s palm oil production, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of importing countries, population of importing countries, and international palm oil price has a significant positive impact on Indonesia’s palm oil export value. Meanwhile exchange rate hasn’t significant impact on Indonesia’s palm oil export value in the international market for year 2004 to 2021.