Pengaruh knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity, individual creativity, dan organization learning capability terhadap innovation performance pada PT. XYZ E-commerce
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity, Individual Creativity, dan Organization Learning Capability terhadap inovation Performance pada PT. XYZ e-commerce. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 124 responden karyawan yang bekerja pada PT. XYZ ecommerce divisi Customer Intellegent dengan menggunakan metode purposive/judgment sampling. Hipotesis diolah dengan software SPSS versi 26. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity,Individual Creativity dan Organization Learning Capability memiliki pengaruh positif dengan Innovation Performance pada PT. XYZ e-commerce. Implikasi manajerial berupa mengimbau para karyawannya agar teratur membagikan apa yang merekalakukan dengan rekan kerja untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan Knowledge Sharing, lebih memahami visi tentang apa yang ingin dicapai unit perusahaan untukmemperbaiki dan meningkatkan Absorptive Capacity, selalu menyarankan cara barudari setiap ide kreatifnya untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan Individual Creativity, sering menjelajah ke luar unit kerja untuk belajar agar memperbaiki dan meningkatkanOrganization Learning Capability, dan perusahaan dapat terus meningkatkan tingkatdaya saing agar lebih unggul dari perusahaan lainnya sehingga dapat memperbaiki danmeningkatkan Innovation Performance.
T his study aims to analyze the The Effect of Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity,Individual Creativity, and Organization Learning Capability on InnovationPerformance in PT. XYZ e commerce. This research was conducted by distributingquestionnaires to 124 employee respondents who worked at PT. XYZ e-commerceCustomer Intellegent division using purposive / judgment sampling method.Hypotheses were processed with SPSS software version 26. The results of this studyfound that Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity, Individual Creativity andOrganization Learning Capability had a positive influence on Innovation Performanceat PT. XYZ e-commerce. Managerial implications such as urge their employees toregularly share what they do with colleagues to improve and increase KnowledgeSharing, better understand the vision of what the company unit wants to achieve toimprove and increase Absorptive Capacity, always suggest new ways of every creativeidea to improve and increase Individual Creativity, often venture outside the work unitto learn to improve and increase Organization Learning Capability, and companiescan increase the level of competitiveness to be superior to other companies so thatthey can improve and increase Innovation Performance.