Evaluasi dan desain ulang electric submersible PUMP pada Sumur PA 25, PA 37, PA 55 dan PA 90 di Lapangan Pascal

Oleh : Reinaldi Ragasa

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin

Subyek : Electric submersible PUMP;Reserve gas separator

Kata Kunci : Electric submersible PUMP, reserve gas separator, Wells PA 25, PA 37, PA 55 ,90 , Pascal Field

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Daftar-pustaka.pdf
9. 2015_TA_TM_07111293_Lampiran.pdf

P ada penelitian tugas akhir kali ini, akan dilakukan penelitian mengenai evaluasipenggunaan Electric Submersible Pump pada sumur PA 25, PA 37, PA 55, dan PA 90.Sumur PA 25, PA 37, PA 55, dan PA 90 memiliki masalah kandungan free gas yang tinggi,yaitu di atas 10%. Kandungan free gas untuk PA 25 sebesar 31.49 %, PA 37 sebesar33.35 %, PA 55 sebesar 38.68 %, dan PA 90 sebesar 53.82 %.Gas bebas dalam jumlah berlebih akan menimbulkan masalah berupa gasinterference ataupun gas lock. Keduanya dibedakan berdasarkan jumlah gas yangmasuk ke pompa. Gas interference merupakan kondisi dimana gas berlebih masukdalam bentuk gelembung-gelembung kecil ikut terproduksikan dan mulai memasukiimpeller. Sedangkan gas lock merupakan efek lanjut dari gas interference.Setelah dilakukan perhitungan free gas, dilakukan desain ElectricSubmersible Pump untuk sumur PA 25, PA 37, PA 55, dan PA 90 Pemilihan pompadidasarkan dari Qallowance yang diproduksikan harus memiliki kandungan free gas dibawah 10 % untuk mencegah terjadinya gas lock atau gas interference. Selanjutnyaditentukan jumlah stage yang diperlukan, pemilihan motor berdasarkan Horse Power(HP), protector, kabel, transformer berdasarkan surface voltage, dan switchboard.

A t the time of this final project, will be carried out research on the evaluationof the use of Electric Submersible Pump on wells PA 25, PA 37, PA 55 and PA 90.Well PA 25, PA 37, PA 55 and PA 90 have a high free gas content problem, that isabove 10%. The content of free gas to PA 25 at 31.49 %, PA 37 at 33.35 %, PA 55 at38.68 %, and PA 90 amounted to 53.82 %.Excessive amounts of free gas will cause problems in the form of gas lock orgas interference. Both are distinguished by the amount of gas that goes to the pump.Gas interference is a condition where excess gas into the form of small bubbles isproduced along with the fluid and began to enter the impeller. While gas lock is afurther effects of gas interference. After calculation of free gas, the next step is todesign Electric Submersible Pump for well PA 25, PA 37, PA 55 and PA 90Selection of pump is based of Qallowance that produced to the surface has free gasamount below 10 % to prevent gas lock and gas interference. Next step is todetermine the number of stages required, the selection of the motor that based onHorse Power (HP), protectors, cables, transformers that based on voltage surface, andswitchboard.

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