Perhitungan volume awal minyak di tempat dan peramalan produksi reservoir minyak dengan menggunakan metode decline curve analysis pada lapangan "s"

Oleh : Sutiana Destie

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Pembimbing 1 : Onnie Ridaliani

Pembimbing 2 : Listiana Satiawati

Subyek : Saturated oil reservoir;Volumetric method

Kata Kunci : original oil, “S” Field, volumetric method

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Daftar-pustaka.pdf
8. 2015_TA_TM_07111343_Lampiran.pdf

M etode volumetrik yang digunakan untuk menentukan Original Oil in Place pada Lapangan “S” didapat hasil sebesar 18199 MSTB. Pada analisa Decline Curve untuk tiap sumur dan lapangan dipilih 2 trend produksi yangdigunakan untuk membandingkan trend yang menggambarkan model penurunanproduksi pada sumur tersebut. Analisa periode trend yang terpilih dilakukan dengan metode Trial Error dan X2 Chi-Square Test serta menggunakan software OFM sebagai pembandingnya untuk penentuan nilai exponent decline (b), rate of decline (Di) dan tipe kurve decline. Berdasarkan analisa decline persumur Lapangan “S” diperoleh jenis exponential decline (b=0), dengan Di masing-masing sumur sebesar sumur ST-01 = 0,147/bulan, ST-02 = 0,047 /bulan, ST-03 = 0,150 /bulan, ST-06 = 0,200 / bulan dan ST-08= 0,110 /bulan. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisa decline Lapangan “S” didapat nilai b = 0 dengan Di = 0,041 /bulan. EUR untuk Lapangan “S” sampai qlimit adalah sebesar 8558.75 MSTB dengan umur produksi 63 bulan atau 5 tahun 3bulan dari Mei 2014 sampai dengan Juli 2019, RF Lapangan “S” sebesar 47,02%,sehingga cadangan minyak sisa Lapangan “S” sebesar 280.915 MSTB.

O riginal oil in place calculation and production optimization of reservoir need to do for remaining reserve analyze from reservoir itself. Original oil in place equation which used in “S” Field is volumetric method. Productionperformance prediction analyze of oil reservoir is using Decline Curve Analysis. Volumetric method that used for original oil in place determining in S Field has result about 18199 MSTB. In Decline Curve Analysis for each well andfield choosing 2 production trend that used for trend comparing which described production decline in mentioned well. Trend period analysis which chosen was did by Trial Error method and X2 Chis-Square Test and using OFM software as it comparison for determining exponent decline value (b), rate of decline (Di), andDecline Type Curve. Based on per well decline analysis of “S” Field, retrieved type ofexponential decline (b=0), with each well results are, well ST-01=0,147 /month; ST-02=0,047 /month; ST-03=0,150 /month; ST-06=0,200 /month; and ST- 08=0,110 /month. Meanwhile based on field decline analysis, retrieved b=0 with Di=0,041 /month. EUR of “S” Field till qlimitis 8558,75 MSTB which has produced along 63months (5 years 3 months) from May 2014 till Jully 2019. Recovery Factor of “S” Field is 47.02 %. So, remaining reserve of “S” Field isabout 280.915 MSTB.

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