Desain interior New Kuta Resort di Pecatu Bali

Oleh : Dani Fahri

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 0003/DI/2014

Penerbit : FSRD - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2014

Pembimbing 1 : Ati Waliati

Pembimbing 2 : Susy Irma A

Subyek : Interior design;Hotels and motels - Decoration and ornament

Kata Kunci : interior design, New Kuta Resort, Pecatu Bali

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. TA_DI_09106015_halaman-judul.pdf
2. TA_DI_09106015_Bab-1.pdf
3. TA_DI_09106015_Bab-2.pdf
4. TA_DI_09106015_Bab-3.pdf
5. TA_DI_09106015_Bab-4.pdf
6. TA_DI_09106015_Bab-5.pdf

B ali memiliki keanekaragaman daya tarik wisata yang mengagumkan danterkenal dengan daya tarik budayanya serta sebagai surga wisata tropis yang lengkap dengan pegunungan, lembah, ngarai, tanah, pertanian, pantai, bahkan sampai panorama yang cantik di dasar laut. Keberadaan sebuah Hotel Resort di Pecatu Bali, menjadi salah satu wadah untuk memfasilitasi sarana akomodasi menginap bagi para wisatawan lokal dan wisatawan mancanegara untuk mendapatkan suasana alam didaerah Bali. Suasana alam yang alami dan jauh dari keramaian kota, bisa menjadi salah satu daya tarikuntuk berlibur, merasakan atmosfir bali. New Kuta Resort di Pecatu Bali ini menyediakan fasilitas kamar tidur yang terdiri dari 4 tipe yaitu kamar Superior, kamar Deluxe, kamar Suite dan kamar Family Suite. Selain itu, New Kuta Resort Hotel juga menyediakan fasilitas MICE (Meeting, Intensive, Conference, Exhibition) untuk tamu bisnis serta fasilitas Spa dan Kids Club untuk keluarga dan anak - anak. Kenyamanan tersebut didukung oleh program ruang, pengorganisasian ruang, serta sirkulasi yang efisien. Dalam hal ini program ruang diatur sesuai dengan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna, yaitu memisahkan area public, semi private, privatedan service. Tujuan penelitian adalah, mendesain interior Hotel New Kuta Resort di Pecatu Bali yang mampu mewadahi aktifitas utama seperti menginap dan fasilitas pendukung yaitu makan, minum dan refreshing bagi para pengunjung, mendesain interior Hotel New Kuta Resort yang aman, nyaman, melalui pemecahan program ruang, pengorganisasian ruang, sistem sirkulasi desain interior Hotel New Kuta Resort di Pecatu Bali.

B ali has an amazing diversity of tourist attractions and is well known for its cultural appeal as well as a tropical tourist paradise complete with mountains, valleys, canyons, lands, farms, beaches, and even beautiful panoramas on the seafloor. The existence of a Resort Hotel in Pecatu Bali, A container to facilitate accommodation facilities for local tourists and foreign tourists to get a natural atmosphere in the area of ​​Bali. The natural atmosphere and away from the hustle and bustle of the city, can be one of the attractions for a holiday, feel the atmosphere of bali.New Kuta Resort in Pecatu Bali provides room facilities consist of 4 types of Superior rooms, Deluxe rooms, Suite rooms and Family Suite rooms. In addition, New Kuta Resort Hotel also provides MICE (Meeting, Intensive, Conference, Exhibition) facilities for business guests as well as Spa and Kids Club facilities for families and children. Comfort is supported by space program, space organization, and efficient circulation. In this case the space program is arranged in accordance with the facilities required by the user, that is separating the public, semi private, privatedan service area. The research objective is, interior design Hotel New Kuta Resort inPecatu Bali that is able to accommodate the main activities such as stay and support facilities such as eating, drinking and Refreshing for the visitors, designing the Hotel New Kuta Resort's safe, comfortable interiors, through breaking the programspace, organizing the space, the interior design circulation system of the New KutaResort Hotel in Pecatu Bali.

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