Evaluasi tata kelola teknologi informasi berdasarkan cobit framework pada PT Jasa Raharja (persero)

Oleh : Yudha Hanottaman

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2011

Pembimbing 1 : Teddy Siswanto

Subyek : Information technology;Goverment control;Safety measure;Program planning;Management operation.

Kata Kunci : information technology, IT govermance, maturity model, cobit, operation goverment.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_1_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_2_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_3_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_4_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_5_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_6_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_7_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_8_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2011_TA_SI_06506005_9_Lampiran.pdf

P ada suatu perusahaan, tata kelola teknologi informasi (IT-Governance) merupakan hal yang penting dalam menjalankan segala kegiatan bisnis. Agar mencapai tujuan Perusahaan, IT-Governance harus dilaksanakan oleh organisasi untuk menjamin sumberdaya TI yang dijalankan oleh seperangkat proses TIBerdasarkan hal tersebut, pelaksanaan penelitian pada kesempatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap IT Governance pada PT. Jasa Raharja yang sedang berjalan saat ini agar dapat dilakukan evaluasi dan membantu perencanaan strategis yang lebih baik untuk masa mendatang.Penelitian penilaian IT Governance ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Maturity Model dari COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) dan difokuskan hanya pada 7 (tujuh) Control bjectives yaitu PO 1 menetapkan rencana strategis TI, PO 9 Menilai Resiko, PO 0 Manajemen Proyek, Al 6 Manajemen Perubahan, DS 5 Memastikan Keam a m, DS 11 Mangelola Data, dan M 1 Monitoring Kinerja TI.

I n an enterprise, governance of information technology (IT-Governance) are essential in running any business activity. In order to achieve company goals, IT-Governance should be implemented by the organization to ensure IT resources are run by a set of IT processesBased on that, conducting research on this opportunity aims to conduct an assessment of the IT Governance at PT. Jasa Raharja at this time in order to perform the evaluation and assist in strategic planning for better future.IT Governance assessment study w s conducted using the Maturity Model of COBIT (Control Objectives for Informa n and Related Technology) and focused only on the 7 (seven), Control Objectives the PO 1 defines the IT strategic plan, PO 9 Assess Risks, PO 10 Service ect, a Management 6, DS 5 Ensure Systems Security, DS 11 g the ilata, and M rformance Monitoring.The framework includes B Maturit oriel which is a method that can be used to assess how well t sr,\" company\'s management processes in IT Governance. Based on the results of research conducted, PT. Jasa Raharja 3.03 has reached a position above the international standards have been defined, namely at the position 2.50, then there is gap of 1.97. The existence of recommendations on these issues are expected to be a meaningful input for PT. Jasa Raharja for sustainable progress.

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