Kajian pengaruh injeksi phosphate dengan aditif edta terhadap permeabilitas batuan sandstone di lab. batuan reservoir USAKTI

Oleh : Ghibran Fajary Putera

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 556/TP/2016

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2016

Pembimbing 1 : Bayu Satyawira

Pembimbing 2 : M.G Sri Wahyuni

Subyek : Teknik Reservoir

Kata Kunci : Teknik Reservoir

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Halaman-Judul.pdf 21
2. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf 1
9. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_DAFTAR-SIMBOL.pdf
10. 2016_TA_TM_07109102_Lampiran.pdf
11. paper.pdf

F luida komplesi adalah salah satu fluida pengeboran yang digunakan pada tahap lanjutan setelah pemboran (produksi dan perawatan sumur) yang sangat sedikit mengandung padatan atau solid. Selain digunakan untuk menahan tekanan dari formasi, fluida komplesi diharapkan mampu membersihkan kotoran atau sisasisa lumpur pemboran. Metode pemompaan completion fluid juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan permeabilitas batuan. Besar kecilnya faktor keberhasilan penggunaan completion fluid sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain kualitas completion fluid yang digunakan, tekanan, dan konsentrasi completion fluid. Apabila completion fluid yang akan dipompakan ke reservoir mempunyai kualitas yang bagus, maka akan dapat diperoleh peningkatan permeabilitas yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Analisa Batuan Reservoir Universitas Trisakti. Core sample yang digunakan adalah batuan sandstone sebanyak 2 buah yang akan diinjeksi fluida komplesi berbasis phosphate dengan aditif EDTA dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi phosphate (5%,10% dan 15%). Parameter yang di uji meliputi sifat fisik batuan sandstone, komposisi fluida komplesi, volume fluida, densitas, spesific gravity, viscositas, porositas dan permeabilitas batuan. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisa pada hasil penelitian di laboratorium, dapat diketahui bahwa tidak terjadi peningkatan nilai porositas batuan setiap diinjeksi fluida komplesi phosphate dengan aditif EDTA. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa penginjeksian fluida komplesi phosphate dengan aditif EDTA tidak memiliki pengaruh apapun terhadap nilai porositas. Nilai ii porositas dari sample S-1 tetap yaitu sebesar 19,50 dan Nilai porositas dari sample S-1 tetap yaitu sebesar 19,25% masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Penginjeksian fluida komplesi berbasis phosphate juga terbukti dapat meningkatkan nilai permeabilitas batuan sandstone, yaitu Sampel S-1 meniliki nilai permeabilitas minyak awal 9,503 mD, setelah diinjeksi phosphate dengan aditif EDTA 5%,10%,dan 15%, naik berturut-turut menjadi 13,506 mD; 16,719 mD; 18,560 mD. Dan pada Sampel S-2 meniliki nilai permeabilitas minyak awal 12,861 mD,setelah diinjeksi naik berturut-turut menjadi 17,709 mD; 21,954 mD; 24,865 mD. Berdasarkan analisa persetase besar kenaikan permeabilitasnya, injeksi phosphate dengan aditif EDTA yang paling efektif didapat saat injeksi dengan konsentrasi 5% di kedua sampel yaitu pada sampel S-1 sebesar 42,11% dan pada sampel S-2 sebesar 37,69%

C ompletion fluid is a fluid used in an advanced stage after drilling (production and maintenance of wells) that contain very little solid or non solid fluid. Besides being used to withstand the pressure of the formation, completion fluids are expected to clean the dirt or remnants of the drilling mud. Completion fluid pumping method is also one way to increase the permeability of rocks. The size of the success factors for the use of completion fluid is influenced by several factors such as the quality of the completion fluid used, pressure, and concentration of completion fluid. If the completion fluid to be pumped into the reservoir has good quality, then it will be obtained an optimum permeability enhancement. This research was conducted in the Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir rocks Trisakti University. Core samples used are sandstone rocks of 5 pieces which will be injected with a phosphate-based completion fluid additive EDTA was done by varying the concentration of phosphate (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). Parameters tested include the physical properties of rocks sandstone, completion fluid composition, fluid volume, density, the specific gravity, viscosity, porosity and permeability of rocks. The size of the success factors for the use of completion fluid is influenced by several factors such as the quality of the completion fluid used, pressure, and concentration of completion fluid. If the completion fluid to be pumped into the reservoir has good quality, then it will be obtained an optimum permeability enhancement. iv This research was conducted in the Laboratory Analysis of Reservoir rocks Trisakti University. Core samples is sandstone rock as much as 2 pieces that will be injected with a phosphate-based completion fluid additive EDTA was done by varying concentrations of phosphate (5%, 10% and 15%). Parameters tested include the physical properties of rocks sandstone, completion fluid composition, fluid volume, density, the specific gravity, viscosity, porosity and permeability of rocks. After calculation and analysis of the survey conducted in the laboratory, it is known that An increase in porosity value NOT ANY injected rock phosphate WITH completion fluid additive EDTA . It indicates that the injection of fluid singer completion phosphate additive EDTA WITH NOT have any influence Against porosity value . Porosity value of the sample of S - 1 differences is equal to 19.50 and the value of the porosity of the sample of S - 1 differences is equal to 19.25 % which is very good category . Injection of fluid completion based phosphate also shown to increase the permeability of rocks sandstone, the sample S-1 meniliki permeability initial oil 9.503 mD, once injected phosphate with an additive EDTA 5%, 10% and 15%, against a row to be 13.506 mD ; MD 16.719; MD 18.560. And the sample S-2 meniliki initial oil permeability values Md 12.861, after rising successively injected into mD 17.709; MD 21.954; MD 24.865. Based on an analysis of the increase in its permeability persetase, phosphate injection with the most effective additive EDTA is obtained when the injection with a concentration of 5% in the second sample of the sample S-1 amounted to 42.11% and the sample S-2 amounted to 37.69%

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