Analisa pressure buildup pada sumur partial penetration dan peramalan aofp sumur gas zp -25

Oleh : Zicko Pratama

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 437/TP/2016

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2016

Pembimbing 1 : Hari K. Oetomo

Pembimbing 2 : M. G. Sri Wahyuni

Subyek : Gas Well

Kata Kunci : Reservoir characteristics

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_BAB-I.pdf
2. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_HALAMAN-JUDUL.pdf
3. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_BAB-II.pdf
4. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_BAB-III.pdf
5. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_BAB-IV.pdf
6. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_BAB-V.pdf
7. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf
8. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_DAFTAR-SIMBOL.pdf
9. 2016_TA_TM_07112234_LAMPIRAN.pdf

P enentuan karakteristik dari suatu reservoir merupakan parameter yang sangat diperlukan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu reservoir. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari suatu reservoir dengan menggunakan analisis tekanan transient, dimana salah satu jenis dari analisis tekanan transient tersebut ialah Pressure Build Up Test. Analisis pengujian tekanan tersebut dilakukan dengan cara memberikan gangguan kesetimbangan tekanan terhadap sumur yang di uji. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara menutup suatu kinerja aliran dalam sumur (Build Up) atau dengan melakukan suatu pembukaan terhadap kapasitas aliran produksi secara konstan selama selang waktu tertentu (Drawdown). Dengan adanya gangguan ini impuls perubahan tekanan (tekanan transien), akan mencatat tekanan yang terjadi di dalam lubang bor selama pengujian berlangsung. Pada Tugas Akhir kali ini, analisis hasil uji tekanan transient sumur eksplorasi gas ZP-25 dengan konfigurasi Partial Penetration (Partial Completion) dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode type curve matching log-log pressure derivative dan Horner pada periode akhir rezim aliran. Pemodelan konfigurasi sumur, reservoir, maupun batas reservoir berdasarkan hasil uji tekanan transient pada sumur gas ZP-25 menggunakan simulator transient tekanan Ecrin v4.10. Dari sumur ZP-25 yang dilakukan analisis pressure build up pada metode type curve matching log-log pressure derivative, menunjukkan model sumur Vertical “limited entry”, dengan model reservoir homogenous dan menghasilkan ii suatu deteksi patahan One Fault Boundary. Parameter-parameter yang didapat berdasarkan model yang dihasilkan dengan bantuan software Ecrin v4.10 menghasilkan skin akibat dari partial penetration (Geometrical Skin) sebesar 28.4, skin akibat damage sebesar 77.3, dan menghasilkan total skin pada sumur ZP-25 yaitu 106. Tekanan awal pada sumur ZP-25 sebesar 5582 ppsia, dengan nilai permeabilitas efektif pada perioda akhir rezim aliran sebesar 165 mD, dan deteksi bidang patahan sejauh L -No flow sebesar 1400 ft. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan dari sumur gas ZP-25 dalam mengalirkan gas dari reservoir ke permukaan dengan laju alir tertentu pada suatu tekanan tertentu (deliverabilitas), maka digunakannya suatu penyajian data deliverability, “flow after flow test”. Deliverabilitas dari suatu sumur gas sangat penting untuk diketahui, karena hal itu sangat berhubungan dengan perencanaan produksi suatu lapangan gas serta jumlah pasokan gas kepada konsumen. Deliverabilitas sumur gas ZP-25 dilakukan dengan 2 analisis metode perhitungan, yaitu Rawlins and Schellhardt “C & n”, dan metode Houpert (Laminer-Inertia-Turbulen). Di dapatkan nilai peramalan AOFP pada metode analisis Rawlins and Schellhardt “C & n” sebesar 40186,7 Mscfd, dan nilai peramalan AOFP pada metode analisis empirical houpert (LIT) sebesar 32537.1 Mscfd.

D etermining of reservoir characteristics is parameter that needed in a reservoir description. One of method to know reservoir characteristics with the Pressure Transient Analysis, that one of the type of Pressure Transient Analysis is called Pressure Build Up Test. Analysis for the Pressure Test it self is done by providing pressure equilibrium disruption of well test by closing the work flow of the well (Build Up) or with an open the work flow for constant production (Drawdown). With this disorder for the pressure, impulses pressure changes (Pressure Transient) will record the borehole pressure during each test. In this thesis, the analysis of pressure transient data for the gas exploration well of ZP-25 with a Partial Penetration (Partial Completion) configuration, were performed using the method of type curve matching log-log pressure derivative and Horner method at the late time region of Pressure Build Up Test. Making some model of the configuration wells, reservoir , and the boundaries based on pressure transient testing for the gas exploration well of ZP-25 using pressure transient simulator Ecrin v4.10. From the gas exploration well of ZP-25 which analyzes the pressure build up in the type curve matching methods of log-log pressure derivative, shows a model of vertical wells "limited entry", with a homogenous reservoir model and generate a fault detection “One Boundary Fault”. The parameters were obtained based on the model generated with the help of software Ecrin v4.10 produce skin as a result of partial penetration (Geometrical Skin) amounted to 28.4, skin iv damage as a result of 77.3, and produce total skin on wells ZP-25 is 106. The initial pressure in the wells ZP-25 amounted to 5582 psia, with effective permeability values at the end of the period amounted to 165 mD flow regime, and fault detection of the field as far as L - No flow amounted to 1400 ft. To determine the ability of gas production well ZP-25 flowing gas from the reservoir to the surface with a certain flow rate and a given pressure (deliverability), then use a data presentation deliverability is "flow after flow test". Deliverability of a gas well is very important to note, because it is closely connected with the production design of gas field as well as the supply of gas to consumers. Deliverability gas wells ZP-25 carried by two analysis methods of calculation, firstly Rawlins and Schellhardt "C & N", and lastly method Houpert (Laminar-Turbulent-Inertia). In the forecasting value AOFP get on the method of analysis Rawlins and Schellhardt "C & N" at 40186.7 Mscfd, and value forecasting AOFP on methods analysis empirical houpert (LIT) amounted to 32537.1 Mscfd.

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