Perdagangan limbah padat rumah sakit (Studi kasus: Rumah Sakit Jakarta)

Oleh : Mahir Jahya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2008

Pembimbing 1 : Baja

Subyek : Hospital waste trading

Kata Kunci : hospital waste, public safety, waste management.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-3.pdf 9
5. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Daftar-pustaka.pdf
9. 2008_TA_STL_08203016_Lampiran.pdf

H ospital waste has become a major environmental problem in terms of pollutionand public safety. Hospitals in practices produce daily a series of infectious andhazardous waste. Currently there are parties that look for and store partly thehospital waste such as used infusion bags, expired of medicines, used needleinjections etc. There were no municipality regulations regarding hospital wastemanagement, they only uses national regulation. All the stages of existing wastemanagement (segregation, collection, storage, transportation, treatment anddisposal of waste) were researched by previous researchers at hospitals inJakarta, Indonesia. The generated waste was mixture of medical and nonmedical waste. The study found that hospital waste management practices inJakarta was bad and that there were problems in every stages of managementand cause opportunities for hospital waste trading. Hospital staffs and wastecollectors were involved in this business. The result indicates that the wastegeneration rate was 90% is contained with non medical waste. Inappropriatewaste treatment was the biggest problem and makes opportunities for wastecollectors to collect the hospital waste and sells to free market. Hospital wastetrading has been happened since 10 years. In the beginning, those wastecollectors did not know about the advantages of that hospital waste till they got alot of requests from people surrounding them to purchase that hospital waste.The hospital waste trading is getting up each year. This happens because allpeople who involve in hospital waste trading are just thinking about economicvalues that they will get. They can get double profit by selling the hospital waste,the waste collectors won’t realize about the danger its can caused.Therefore, this research aims to improve the current management system forIndonesia government in hospitals in order to prevent hospital waste tradingactivities. Taking references from previous researches is needed to know thecurrent situation hospital waste management in Jakarta and to suggest asustainable hospital waste management in Jakarta.

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