Analisis pengaruh pembersihan kompresor terhadap performa mesin pesawat airbus 330 tipe rolls royce trent 700
P embersihan kompresor pada mesin pesawat terbang dilakukan untukmemperbaiki nilai margin dari temperatur gas turbin (TGT) sehingga dapatmeningkatkan performa mesin saat sedang digunakan. Dalam hal ini mesinpesawat dengan tipe Rolls Royce Trent 700 dianalisis nilai Temperature GasTurbin (TGT) setelah dilakukannya pembersihan kompresor. Data mesin-mesintersebut diambil dari Engine Health Monitoring System yang dikirimkan secaralangsung oleh pesawat melalui sistem yang bernama ACARS (AircraftCommunications Addressing and Reporting System). Data yang dihasilkan yaituberupa grafik dengan perbandingan antara nilai Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT)Margin dan waktu. Rata-rata laju penurunan nilai margin TGT pada mesin nomor1 pesawat PK-ABC adalah 3.385319°C/flight hour. Pada mesin nomor 2 memilikirata-rata laju penurunan sebesar 0.508293°C/flight hour. Sedangkan pada pesawatdengan registrasi PK-ABD, mesin nomor 3 menghasilkan rata-rata laju penurunansebesar 4.248172°C/flight hour dan pada mesin nomor 4 memiliki nilai lajupenurunan yaitu 4.722486°C/flight hour. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapatperbaikan nilai margin TGT saat setelah dilakukannya pembersihan kompresordan laju penurunan tiap dilaksanakannya dalam interval 500 cycle.
T he compressor wash in the aircraft engine is carried out to improve the marginvalue of the turbine gas temperature (TGT) so that it can improve the performanceof the engine when it is in use. In this case, the aircraft engine with the RollsRoyce Trent 700 type was analyzed for the Temperature Gas Turbine (TGT) valueafter the compressor was cleaned. The data of these engines is taken from theEngine Health Monitoring System which is sent directly by the aircraft through asystem called ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and ReportingSystem). The data produced is in the form of a graph with a comparison betweenthe Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) Margin value and time. The average rate ofdecline in the TGT margin value on engine number 1 of the PK-ABC aircraft is3.385319°C/flight hour. Engine number 2 has an average rate of decrease of0.508293°C/flight hour. Meanwhile, on aircraft with PK-ABD registration, enginenumber 3 produces an average rate of decline of 4.248172°C/flight hour andengine number 4 has a decrease rate value of 4.722486°C/flight hour. This showsthat there is an improvement in the TGT margin value after the compressorcleaning and the rate of decline each time it is carried out in the interval of 500cycles.