Konsekuensi hedonic value dan utilitarian value.
F enomena belanja online mengalami peningkatan, khususnya di bidang fashion. Kemudahan teknologi dalam berbelanja dan keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki konsumen merupakan beberapan alasan belanja online menjadi tren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsekuensi hedonic value dan utilitarian value pada konsumen yang berbelanja di online fashion retailer. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat empat variabel yang digunakan yaitu hedonic value, utilitarian value, customer satisfaction, dan behavioral intention. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 250 responden. Metode penarikan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, yaitu mereka yang pernah membeli fashion dari empat brand di online fashion retailer. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) tidak terdapat pengaruh positif hedonic value terhadap customer satisfaction (2) terdapat pengaruh positif utilitarian value terhadap customer satisfaction (3) terdapat pengaruh positif hedonic value terhadap behavioral intention (4) terdapat pengaruh positif utilitarian value terhadap behavioral intention (5) tidak terdapat pengaruh positif hedonic value terhadap behavioral intention yang dimediasi oleh customer satisfaction (6) terdapat pengaruh positif utilitarian value terhadap behavioral intention yang dimediasi oleh customer satisfaction. Hasil penelitian ini juga memberikan saran kepada manajer brand online fashion retailer agar dapat mengembangkan strategi yang bisa meningkatkan customer satisfaction.Kata Kunci: hedonic value, utilitarian value, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention
T he phenomenon of online shopping has increased, especially in the field of fashion. The ease of technology in shopping and the limited time consumers have are some of the reasons online shopping has become a trend. This study aims to analyze the consequences of hedonic value and utilitarian value for consumers who shop at online fashion retailers. In this study, there are four variables used, namely hedonic value, utilitarian value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention. The method analysis used in this study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) with the number of samples used as many as 250 respondents. The sampling method in this study was purposive sampling, namely those who have bought fashion from four brands at online fashion retailers. The results of this study are (1) there is no positive influence of hedonic value on customer satisfaction (2) there is a positive influence of utilitarian value on customer satisfaction (3) there is a positive influence of hedonic value on behavioral intention (4) there is a positive influence of utilitarian value on behavioral intention (5) there is no positive influence of hedonic value on behavioral intention mediated by customer satisfaction (6) there is a positive influence of utilitarian value on behavioral intention mediated by customer satisfaction. The results of this study also provide advice to online fashion retailer brand managers so that they can develop strategies that can increase customer satisfaction.Keywords: hedonic value, utilitarian value, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention