Perbandingan ekspresi gen semaphorin 3D antara sel serviks normal dan sel kanker serviks
K anker serviks merupakan keganasan neoplasma pada epitel serviks. InfeksiHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) merupakan penyebab terjadinya kanker serviks.Penelitian terbaru menduga adanya integrasi HPV dengan gen Semaphorin 3D(SEMA3D) sehingga memicu terjadinya kanker serviks. Tetapi penelitian tersebutsecara in-vitro dan diperlukan penelian secara in-vivo. Mengingat pentingnya peraninfeksi HPV pada kanker serviks, maka penelitian ekspresi gen SEMA3Ddiadakan.METODEDesain studi penelitian menggunakan metode analitik observasional denganpendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel diambil secara consecutive non randomsampling pada bulan November – Januari 2020. Sampel diambil dengan melakukanpapsmear dan biopsi jaringan di Pusat Medis Trisakti. Sampel dilakukan penelitianekspresi gen dengan teknik qPCR diLaboratorium Biologi Molekuler. Analisis datamenggunakan Independent Sample T-Test pada GraphPad Prism8 for Mac.HASILPada penelitian ini dihasilkan nilai rata-rata ekspresi gen SEMA3D 6 sample SelServiks Normal 0,31644114 dan pada 4 Sel Kanker Serviks 0,21641108. Hasil ujistatistik Independent Sample T-Test menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata yangbermakna pada perbandingan ekspresi gen SEMA3D antara sel serviks normal dansel kanker serviks. Memiliki nilai p=0,5854 (p>0,05).KESIMPULANEkspresi gen SEMA3D tidak berbeda bermakna pada kelompok kanker serviks dankelompok normal. Kemungkinan gen SEMA3D tidak berperan aktif pada prosesproliferasi dan migrasi terjadinya kanker serviks dan terdapat peran dari gen lain
C ervical cancer is a neoplastic malignancy in the cervical epithelium. Humanpapillomavirus (HPV) infection is a cause of cervical cancer. Recent researchsuggests the integration of HPV with the Semaphorin 3D (SEMA3D) gene thattriggers cervical cancer. However, the research is in vitro and research in vivo isneeded. Given the important role of HPV infection in cervical cancer, the SEMA3Dgene expression research was conducted.METHODSThe design of this study uses observational analytic methods with cross sectionalapproach. Samples were taken by consecutive non-random sampling in periodNovember - January 2020. Samples were taken by doing pap smear and tissuebiopsy at Trisakti Medical Center. Samples were examined for gene expressionusing the qPCR technique at the Molecular Biology Laboratory. Data analysis usingIndependent Sample t test on GraphPad Prism8 for Mac.RESULTSIn this study, the average value of SEMA3D are 6 gene expression in normalcervical cell samples was 0.31644114 and in 4 cervical cancer cells 0.21641108.Independent Sampel T-Test statistical test results there was no significant averagedifference in comparison of SEMA3D gene expression between normal cervical celland cervical cancer cells. Have a value of p=0,5854 (p>0,05).CONCLUSSIONThis study shows the SEMA3D gene expression wasn’t significantly different in thecervical cancer group and the normal group. The possibility of the SEMA3D genedoes not play an active role in the process of proliferation and migration of cervicalcancer and there is a role of other genes.