Anteseden brand equity
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui brand awareness, brand image,perceived qulity, behavioral loyalty dan attitudinal loyalty terhadap brand equityproduk Wardah. Metode yang digunakan pada pengambilan sampel adalah purposivesampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 105 responden. Responden penelitian iniadalah wanita yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan produk Wardah. Metodepenelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwabrand awareness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand equity, brandimage tidak berpengaruh terhadap brand equity, perceived quality tidak berpengaruhterhadap brand equity, behavioral loyalty berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap brand equity dan attitudinal loyalty berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap brand equity.
P urpose of this research is to brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality,behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty on brand equity to product Wardah. Themethod used in sampling is purposive sampling with a total sample of 105respondents. The respondents of this study were women who had bought and usedproduct Wardah. The theoretical model used in this study is a hypothesis testingmethod, which means to test whether there is a direct effect using the MultipleRegression Model. The results show that Brand Awareness has a positive effect onBrand Equity, Brand Image has no effect on Brand Equity, Perceived Quality has noeffect on Brand Equity, Behavioral Loyalty has a positive effect on brand equity,attitudinal loyalty has a positive effect on brand Equity.