Analisis risk diversification bank konvensional yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
P enelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh diversification terhadap risk adjusted return on asset bank konvensional yang terdaftar di BursaEfek Indonesia. Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah riskadjusted return on asset. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah lagged riskadjusted return on asset, net interest income, non interest income, diversificationindex dengan variabel kontrolnya adalah non performing loan ratio, loan to depositratio, gross domestic product dan unemployment rate. Sampel penelitian inimenggunakan 35 bank konvensional, menggunakan metode purposive samplingperiode 2014-2018. Model analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi data panelmenggunakan software eviews 9.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laggedRAROA memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap RAROA, net interest incomeberpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap RAROA, non interest income berpengaruhpositif signifikan terhadap RAROA, diversification index berpengaruh positifsignifikan terhadap RAROA, non performing loan ratio berpengaruh negatifsignifikan terhadap RAROA, loan to deposit ratio berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap RAROA, gross domestic product tidak berpengaruh terhadap RAROA danunemployment rate tidak berpengaruh terhadap RAROA. Bank diharapkan dapatmelihat historis return dari proyeksi tahun sebelumnya, melakukan peningkatan netinterestincome, non-interest income, melakukan diversifikasi, meningkatkan tingkatpenyaluran kredit serta memonitoring penyaluran kredit agar tidak menimbulkankegagalan kredit.
T his study discusses and analyzes the diversification of adjusted return riskon conventional asset banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The dependentvariable used in this study is risk adjusted return on assets. The independent variablein this study is risk adjusted for asset return, net interest income, non-interest income,diversification index with control variables are non performing loans ratio, loan todeposit ratio, gross domestic product and the unemployment rate. The sample of thisstudy used 35 conventional banks, using the purposive sampling method for the2014-2018 period. The data analysis model used is panel data regression usingeviews 9.0 software. The results showed that lagged RAROA had a significantpositive effect on RAROA, net interest income had a significant positive effect onRAROA, non-interest income had a significant positive effect on RAROA, thediversification index had a significant positive effect on RAROA, non-performingloan ratio had a negative significant effect on RAROA, loan to deposit ratio had asignificant positive effect to RAROA, gross domestic product does not affect RAROA and unemployment rate does not affect RAROA. Banks are expected to beable to see historical returns from previous year's projections, increase net-interestincome, non-interest income, do diversification, increase the level of lending andmonitor lending so as not to cause credit defaults.