Pengaruh social support dan knowledge sharing terhadap job performance yang dimediasi innovative work behavior
P enelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan menguji pengaruh Social Support, Knowledge Sharing, Innovative Work Behavior, dan Job Perfomance pada Coffee Shop di Bekasi. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan uji hipotesis (hypothesis testing). Pengumpulan data berlangsung secara cross sectional. Data yang bersifat data primer dan dihimpun dengan menyebarkan kuesioner melalui g-form yang 216 sampel dari karyawan Coffee Shop di Bekasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Snowball Sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji statistik deskriptif dengan software SPSS versi 25 dan Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan software AMOS versi 26. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa : (1) Social Support berpengaruh positif terhadap Innovative Work Behavior, (2) Knowledge Sharing berpengaruh positif terhadap Innovative Work Behavior, (3) Innovative Work Behavior berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Performance, (4) Social Support tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Performance, (5) Knowledge Sharing tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Performance, (6) Social Support berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Performance yang dimediasi oleh Innovative Work Behavior, dan (7) Knowledge Sharing berpengaruh positif terhadap Job Performance yang dimediasi oleh Innovative Work Behavior. Berdasarkan penelitian, manajer perlu mempertahankan Social Support di perusahaannya dengan mengadakan team building, menyediakan ruang sosial, memberikan pelatihan komunikasi dan mentorship, menciptakan budaya keterbukaan, serta menyediakan layanan konseling. Knowledge Sharing juga perlu dipertahankan dengan memperkenalkan rotasi pekerjaan, pengembangan keterampilan, kolaborasi antar departemen, dan program peningkatan karier untuk meningkatkan motivasi. Innovative Work Behavior pun harus dipertahankan dengan menyediakan waktu untuk eksplorasi ide, mengadakan brainstorming sessions, memberikan insentif inovasi, dan mendukung kolaborasi lintas fungsi untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan kreativitas karyawan. Job Performance di perusahaan harus mempertahankan kinerja karyawannya dengan memperjelas ekspektasi, memberikan pelatihan dan sumber daya, melakukan evaluasi kinerja yang adil, serta memberikan dukungan untuk memastikan karyawan mencapai standar kinerja yang diharapkan.
T his research was made with the aim of examining the influence of Social Support, Knowledge Sharing, Innovative Work Behavior, and Job Perfomance at Coffee Shops in Bekasi. This research design uses hypothesis testing. Data collection took place cross sectionally. Data is primary data and is collected by distributing questionnaires via g-form which 216 samples of Coffee Shop employees in Bekasi. The sampling technique used Snowball Sampling. The analysis method used is descriptive statistical test with SPSS software version 25 and Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software version 26. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Social Support has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior, (2) Knowledge Sharing has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior, (3) Innovative Work Behavior has a positive effect on Job Performance, (4) Social Support has no positive effect on Job Performance, (5) Knowledge Sharing has no positive effect on Job Performance, (6) Social Support has a positive effect on Job Performance mediated by Innovative Work Behavior, and (7) Knowledge Sharing has a positive effect on Job Performance mediated by Innovative Work Behavior. Based on the research, managers need to maintain Social Support in their companies by organizing team building, providing social space, providing communication and mentorship training, creating a culture of openness, and creating a knowledge sharing culture. Knowledge Sharing also needs to be maintained by introducing job rotation, skills development, interdepartmental collaboration, and career advancement programs to increase motivation. Innovative Work Behavior must also be maintained by providing time for idea exploration, holding brainstorming sessions, providing innovation incentives, and supporting cross-functional collaboration to increase employee engagement and creativity. Job Performance in the company must be maintained by clarifying expectations, providing training and resources, conducting fair performance evaluations, and providing support to ensure employees achieve expected performance standards.