Kajian terhadap sistem pengolahan limbah cair hotel di IPAL Legian Beach Hotel, Bali CA


Oleh : Adrian FaHmi

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2000

Pembimbing 1 : Ratnaningsih

Pembimbing 2 : Novrizal Tahar

Subyek : Wastewater treatment plan

Kata Kunci : IPAL Legian Beach, BOD, sludge system

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Halaman-Judul.pdf 12
2. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Lembaran-Pengesahan.pdf 1
3. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 3
4. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-4_Kondisi-Operasional-Sistem.pdf
7. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-5_Analisa-dan-Evaluasi-Data.pdf
8. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Bab-6_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
9. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 1
10. 2000_TA_STL_08293005_Lampiran.pdf

L Limbah cair hotel adalah sumber pencemar lingkungan yang cukup potensialdan harus dan diolah dengan baik agar memenuhi standard/baku mutu yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Dengan meningkatnya kegiatan pariwisata meningkat pula kegiatan usaha perhotelan sehingga meningkatkan sumber potensi pencemaran lingkungan akibat air limbahnya.Untuk mengelola limbah cair hotel sehingga tidak mencemari lingkungan maka perlu upaya untuk pengadaan dan pengelolaan prasarana dan sarana untuk pengolahan limbah cair yang menggunakan teknologi yang tepat sehingga hasil pengolahan tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan. Untuk itu • dilakukan kaji ulang terhadap sistem IPAL agar dapat melihat sejauh mana upaya pengelolaan limbah cair hotel tersebut oleh hotel dan telah dilakukan sesuai persyaratan baku mutu, di dalam hal ini adalah IPAL Legian Beach Hotel.IPAL hotel ini melayani air Umbah yang berasal dari dapur, laundry dan kamar hotel yakni jumlah kapasitasnya sebesar 477.60 m3/hari, dan bagian limbah cair dari kamar-kamar bungalow diolah secara terpisah pada masing-masing septic tank bungalow. IPAL tertliri dari unit IPAL seperti bak pengumpul, Primary tank ( 2 bak ), Balance tank, DO tank, Biofliter, Sludge storage dan bak Effluen ; dan merupakan IPAL secara biologis.Volume rata-rata air limbah yang masuk ke IPAL adalah : Dari dapur/restaurant : 314,70 m3/jam; laundry : 131,40 m3/jam; kamar hotel : 31,50 m3/jam dan tel1ihat bahwa limbah dapur/restaurant yang paling besar diolah limbahnya di IPAL. Setelah dievaluasi,Balance tank di IPAL hotel ini dapat berfungsi sebagai tangki Ekualisasi, dengan volume 23 m3/jam ( > 20 m3/jam standard tangki ekualisasi). Hasil analisa parameter kualtas air limbah olahan IPAL cukup efisien dengan kadar BOD, COD dan DO masih jauh dibawah standard namun kadar P04, kekeruhan dan TSS masih melebihi. Maka itu dilakukan percobaan lanjutan dengan metoda Jar test (dengan Alum dan PAC) juga untuk mencari dosis dosis oprtimal koagulan dan juga menganalisis kualitas air buangan apabila akan dijadikan air minum ataupun air irigasi saja.Dan ditarik kesimpulan setelah mengevaluasi dan manganalisa yaitu IPAL terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan yang mencolok ; balancing tank mampu menyeimbangkan kelebihan pasokan limbah, P04 kadamya turun dengan koagulanAlumunium Sulfat dan PAC,% penurunan BOD-nya terbukti efisien dengan biofliter( media plastik ) namun kekurangannya ; tidak terdapat alat ukur debit dan tidak digunakannya sistem lumpur kembali (return sludge ).

H Hotel's wastewater is the potential source of environment pollution and should be handled and treated carefully to fulfill the standard, which had declared, by the government. The increasing of tourism's activity automatically increases the hotel's industries either, so that increase the potential environment pollution source which caused by the wastewater.To treat haters wastewater in order to prevent environment pollution needs the action to build and manage the infrastructure and facilitation that applied the effective technology so the result of that treatment can fulfill the environment standard. For this sake the restudy has executed to measure how further the effort to manage the wastewater by the hotel themselves and executed according to rule of standard, in this case Legian Beach Hotel WastewaterTreatment Plan (WWTP).This WWTP treats the wastewater that has been produced by kitchen unit, laundry unit and rooms unit, which has capacity 477.60 m3/day. Waste water which flow out from bungalow is treated separately in each bungalow's septic tank. The Wastewater Treatment Plan consist of some common units likes collecting tank, primary tank (2 tanks), balancing tank, DO tank, bio filter, sludge storage, effluent tank ; and generallyit is the biologicWWTP.Rate of waste water input quantity which will be treated in WWTP came from kitchen and restaurant 314.70 m3/hour; laundry 131.40 m3/hour; hotel rooms 31.50 m3/hour. From the datum, we can conclude that the large quantity of wastewater,which has treated inWWTP, has flowed out from out from the restaurantand kitchen.After evaluating, balance tank in this hotel's WWTP can also be functioned as an equalization tank, and has volume 23 m3 (larger than 20 m3/day as a standard of equalization tank). The result of wastewater parameters analyzes showed that the quality of WWTP treatments is efficient enough with the quantity of BOD, COD and DO is far below the standard line. However, the quantity of P04, turbidity and TSS is above the line. Because of this thing, the advance experiment that uses the jar test (with Alum and PAC) method has carried out. It aimed to obtain the optimal dose of coagulants and to analyze the potency of water or just for irrigation purpose.After evaluating and analyzing this WWTP. we can conclude contrast thing between some positive points and some negative points. The balancing tank is able to balance the excessive wastewater supplies. The quantity of P04 decreases after using Aluminum Sulfate and PAC. The decreasing of BOD percentage proved that the use of bio filter (plastic medium) is efficient but the bad point is no flow meter gauge and the unused returned sludge system.

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