Analisa pengaruh peranan modal asing (FDI) terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesian tahun 1991-2014


Oleh : Fajar Bimantoro

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 2015_TA_EP_021090036

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2015

Pembimbing 1 : Mona Adriantha

Subyek : Foreign investment;Economic development - indonesia

Kata Kunci : The Direct Investment ; Growth ; short term ; VAR

Saat ini file hanya dapat diakses dari perpustakaan.

Status : Lengkap

P Penelitian kaliiniditujukanuntukmenganalisahubungantingkatinvestasilangsungdariluarnegeriterhadappertumbuhanekonomi Indonesia padaperiode 1991-2014.Fokusdaripenelitian kaliiniadalahmenganalisahubunganjangkapendekantarainvestasiasinglangsungdenganpertumbuhanekonomiIndonesia.Selainitu, seiringdenganterjadinyakrisiskeuangan globaltahun 2008 sedikitbanyak Indonesia terkenadampaknegetifdarilesunyaperekonomianglobal akibatkrisis.Halinimendorongpenelitian kaliiniuntukjugamelakukanforcastingterhadapdampakkrisiskeuangan globalterhadapinvestasilangsungdariluarnegerisertahubuganyaterhadappertumbuhanekonomi.Untukmenjawabsemuapertanyaantersebut, penilitan kali inimemilihVector AutoRegressionatau VAR sebagaimetodedalammenjawabpertanyaanpertanyaanpenelitian.Gross Domestic Bruto (GDP),Consumer Price Index, BI rate,danNilaiTukar, merupakanvariabel-variabel yangdigunakanpadapenelitan kali ini.Hasilestimasidari VARmennunjukanbahwainvestasilangsungdariluarnegeriternyatatidakberdampakbagipertumbuhanekonomidalamjangkapanjangnamunmemilikiketerkaitan yangeratdalamjangkapendekterhadappertumbuhaneknomi.Hal inimengindikasikanbahwainvestasiasing yang masukke Indonesiasemakintidakberkualitasdalammeningkatkanpertumbuhanekonomi.Selainitu,hasilforcastingmenggunakan impulse response functionmengindikasikanakanterjadikencenderunganpenurunantingkatinvestasilangsungluarnegerisertapertumbuhanekonomi Indonesia.

T The present study aimed to analyze the correlation between foreign directinvestment to Indonesia's economic growth in the period 1991-2014 . The focus ofthe present study was to analyze the relationship of short -term and long-termbetween foreign direct investment and economic growth in Indonesia. In addition,along with the global financial crisis of 2008 affected a little much Indonesian negetifof global economic slowdown caused by the crisis .this prompted the present study toalso make forcasting to the impact of global financial crisis on foreign directinvestment and hubuganya to economic growth .To answer these questions , this time choosing penilitan Vector AutoRegression or VAR as a method in answering research questions . IndustrialProduction Index ( IPI ) , the Consumer Price Index , BI Rate , and Exchange Rate,the variables used in this research .The estimation results of the VAR mennunjukan that foreign directinvestment did not have an impact on economic growth in the long term but havestrong links to growth in the short -term economics . This indicates that foreigninvestment into Indonesia increasingly qualified in promoting economic growth . Inaddition , the results of forcasting using impulse response function indicates therewill be the tendency of a decrease in the level of foreign direct investment and

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