Pengaruh minuman kemasan dan lama waktu konsumsi terhadap kebocoran mikro tumpatan resin komposit nanohibrid (kajian pada premolar rahang atas) (Laporan Penelitian)
L Latar belakang: Kebocoran mikro merupakan salah satu kekurangan resin komposit yang menyebabkan kegagalan suatu tumpatan. Salah satu faktor yang berperan adalah konsumsi minuman kemasan yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat. Minuman kemasan memiliki pH rendah yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan morfologi mikro bahan tumpatan resin komposit melalui proses degradasi matriks. Jenis minuman kemasan yang banyak diminati masyarakat yaitu minuman bersoda, minuman isotonik dan minuman teh. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh minuman kemasan dan lama waktu konsumsi terhadap kebocoran mikro tumpatan resin komposit nanohibrid. Metode penelitian: 40 premolar rahang atas dilakukan preparasi pada oklusal (3x3x2 mm) menggunakan round bur dan fissure silindris bur. Setelah preparasi, dilakukan penumpatan menggunakan resin komposit dan dipoles. Sampel yang telah ditumpat dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok perlakuan. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 sampel dan direndam dalam minuman kemasan 30 mL selama 7 hari dan 14 hari serta diukur pH terlebih dahulu. Seluruh sampel yang telah direndam akan dibersihkan dan ujung apeks ditutupi wax kemudian direndam dalam larutan metilen biru 1% selama 24 jam. Gigi dipotong arah bukolingual dan diamati di bawah stereomikroskop dengan perbesaran 20x. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan jenis minuman kemasan terhadap kebocoran mikro dan perbedaan signifikan waktu terhadap kebocoran mikro (p<0,05) namun tidak menunjukkan hasil signifikan antara jenis minuman dan waktu secara bersama terhadap kebocoran mikro. Minuman bersoda dengan pH paling rendah menunjukkan kedalaman penetrasi metilen biru terdalam diikuti oleh minuman isotonik, minuman teh dan akuades. Kesimpulan: tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi jenis minuman dan waktu secara Bersama terhadap kebocoran mikro tumpatan resin komposit nanohibrid.
B Background: Microleakage is one of the disadvantages of composite resin that causes restorative failure. One of the supporting factors is the consumption of packaging beverages. Packaging beverages have a low pH which can cause micro morphological damage to resin composite material through the process of matrix degradation. Types of beverages packaging that are in great demand among the public are soft drinks, isotonic drinks and tea. Objective: To determine the influence of beverages packaging and long time of consumption toward the microleakage of nanohybrid composite restoration. Method: 40 maxillary premolars were prepared in occlusal (3x3x2 mm) using round bur and cylindrical fissure bur. After the preparation, sampels were restored with composite resin and polished. Samples were divided into 8 groups. Each group consisted of 5 samples according to the test media used. Samples were immersed in 30 mL type of solution for 7 days and 14 days and pH of each solution was measured everyday. All samples that had been immersed will be cleaned and the apex was covered with wax then immersed in 1% methylene blue for 24 hours. Samples were sectioned buccolingually and observed under a stereomicroscope with 20x. Results: The results indicate there are significant difference of microleakage with packaging beverages and significant difference of microleakage with time (p <0.05) but didn’t show significant difference between with packaging beverages and time with microleakage. Softdrink which has the lowest pH indicates the deepest penetration of methylene blue followed by isotonic drink, tea and aquades. Conclusion: There is no influence of beverages packaging and long time of consumption toward the microleakage of nanohybrid composite restoration.