Perancangan dan pengukuran kinerja supply chain dengan metode scor (supply chain operations reference) pada PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries

Oleh : Astri Yunita

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2012

Pembimbing 1 : Didien Suhardini

Pembimbing 2 : Dadang Surjasa

Subyek : Performance - Measurement;Industrial management;Delivery of goods - Management

Kata Kunci : Design and measurement, supply chain performance, scor method (supply chain operations reference)

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_1_Halaman-Judul.pdf 20
2. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_2_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_3_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_4_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_5_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_6_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_7_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_8_Bab-7.pdf
9. 2012_TA_TI_06307115_9_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 1

P PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi pipa baja di Indonesia. Data historis menunjukan bahwa persentase keterlambatan pengiriman produk tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Maret sebesar 28%. Pokok permasalahan adalah PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries belum melakukan integrasi dalam supply chain, sehingga tidak dapat memonitoring kegiatan - kegiatan supply chain secara menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan memerlukan suatu model yang dapat menganalisa, mengevaluasi dan mengukur kinerja supply chain. Pengukuran kinerja supply chain menggunakan model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) level 1 yang dilihat dari 5 perspektif yaitu Supply Chain Reliability, Supply Chain Responsiveness, Supply Chain Flexibility, Supply Chain Cost dan Supply Chain Asset dan dirancang dengan 12 metrik pengukuran. Dari hasil pengukuran yang menggunakan Model SCORcards level 1, menghasilkan nilai SCOR tertinggi yaitu sebesar 4 pada perspektif supply chain reliability, dan supply chain responsiveness, sedangkan nilai SCOR terendah pada perspektif supply chain asset yaitu sebesar 1.20. Berdasarkan Best In Class, total pengukuran kinerja supppy chain perusah menghasilkan nilai SCOR sebesar 2.79 yang menunjukkan bahwa dalam menjalankan kegiatan supply chain perusahaan mendapatkan penilaian kinerja yang cukup baik, namun perlu adanya evaluasi dan perbaikan pada perspektif yang masih memiliki nilai SCOR terendah, yaitu supply chain assets khususnya pada metrik to cash to cash cycle time yaitu dengan melakukan manajemen piutang menggunakan sistem database. Level 2 merupakan konfigurasi dari proses - proses dalam rantai pasok. Pengkategorian proses perencanaan (planning) yang dilakukan perusahaan termasuk dalam kategori proses perencanaan secara keseluruhan dari awal proses perencanaan supply chain sampai proses sampai proses pengembalian (return). Pengkategorian proses sumber (source) di perusahaan tergolong dalam kategori S2 yaitu source make to order product. Proses pengkategorian (make) di perusahaan tergolong dalam kategori M2 yaitu Make to order product. Pengkategorian proses pengiriman (deliver) di perusahaan tergolong dalam kategori D2 yaitu Deliver make to order product. Pengkategorian proses pengembalian (return) yang dilakukan perusahaan termasuk dalam kategori Source Return R1 yaitu Return Defective Product. Proses perencanaan dalam rantai pasok dari perencanaan sampai pengembalian telah sesuai dengan kriteria perusahaan.

P PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries is a company that produces steel pipes in Indonesia. Historical data shows that the highest percentage delay in product delivery occurred in March at 28%. The main problem is PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries has not yet integrated the supply chain, so it can not monitor the entire supply chain activities. Therefore, companies need a model that can analyze, evaluate and measure supply chain performance. Measurement of supply chain performance using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) level 1 model seen from 5 perspectives: Supply Chain Reliability, Supply Chain Responsiveness, Supply Chain Flexibility, Supply Chain Cost and Supply Chain Asset and designed with 12 measurement metrics. From the measurement result using SCORcards Level 1 model, the highest SCOR value is 4 in supply chain reliability perspective, and supply chain responsiveness, while the lowest SCOR value in supply chain asset perspective is 1.20. Based on Best In Class, the total performance measurement of the supppy chain produces SCOR value of 2.79 indicating that in carrying out the company's supply chain activities get a good performance appraisal, but it needs an evaluation and improvement on perspective which still has the lowest SCOR value, that is supply chain assets, especially in the metrics to cash to cash cycle time is to manage receivables using a database system. Level 2 is the configuration of the processes in the supply chain. Categorization of planning process (planning) conducted by the company included in the category of the overall planning process from the beginning of the process of supply chain planning until the process until the process of return (return). Categorization of the source process (source) in the company belonging to the category S2 that is source make to order product. The process of categorization (make) in the company belonging to the category of M2 is Make to order product. Categorization of the delivery process (deliver) in the company belonging to the category of D2 is Deliver make to order product. Categorization process returns (return) made the company included in the category Source Return R1 is Return Defective Product. The planning process in the supply chain from planning to return has been in line with company criteria.

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