Perancangan lansekap Ruang Luar Sirkuit Radio Control Gelora Bung Karno Senayan (The Landscape Design of Gelora Bung Karno's Senayan Radio Control Circuit)
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2003
Pembimbing 1 : S. Rahardjo
Pembimbing 2 : Silia Yuslim
Subyek : Landscape design;Formulation of design issues;Target of design - Gelora Bung Karno's Senayan Radio Control Circuit
Kata Kunci : Gelora Bung Karno's, Radio control circuit, smoke pollution
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 12 | |
2. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-1.pdf | 9 | |
3. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2003_TA_SAL_08196054_Lampiran.pdf |
A Akhir - akhir ini hobi mengendarai mobil Radio Control mulai marak di kota - kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, serta Surabaya. Mobil Radio Control ialah mobil yang dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dengan menggunakan gelombang radio dan berukuran lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan mobil aslinya. Karena semakin maraknya hobi ini, maka mulai dibangun sirkuit - sirkuit yang dapat menampung kegiatan balap serta komunitas pehobi tersebut. Salah satunya ialah Sirkuit Radio Control Gelora Bung Karno yang terletak di kawasan olahraga Gelora Bung Karno Senayan. Karena letaknya yang terletak ditengah-tengah kawasan olahraga, maka timbul suatu permasalahan berkaitan dengan polusi suara serta asap yang dihasilkan oleh mobil-mobil Radio Control yang sekiranya dapat mengganggu kegiatan di sekitar sirkuit tersebut. Maka dari itu, diperlukan adanya suatu perancangan lansekap pada tapak tersebut yang pada intinya memaksimalkan ruang serta vegetasi yang sudah ada agar permasalahan di dalam tapak tersebut dapat teratasi. Vegetasi dipilih yang sesuai dengan kondisi iklim serta kriteria yang diperlukan bagi pembanguan sebuah sirkuit Radio Control. Intinya agar polusi suara serta asap yang dihasilkan dari dalam tapak dapat diminimalkan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Pembangunan fasilitas-Iasilitas baru di dalam tapak juga diperlukan agar pengunjung maupun pemakai tapak dapat merasa nyaman. Pada tapak ini, areal terbagi kedalam Areal Penerima yang terdiri dari areal parkir, areal eksibisi, serta bangunan toko. Fungsi dari areal ini ialah sebagai penerima bagi pengunjung. Areal Transisi terdiri dari lobby pengunjung yang fungsinya sebagai perpindahan antara areal penerima dengan areal lainnya. Areal Paddock merupakan areal tempat berkumpulnya para pehobi serta penghubung antara areal sirkuit besar dengan sirkuit kecil. Areal SirkuitBesar fungsinya diperuntukkan bagi mobil Radio Control yang berskala I: 8 dan I:10. Sedangkan Areal Sirkuit Kecil fungsinya diperuntukkan bagi mobil Radio Control yang berskala I:10.Areal Service terdiri dari bangunan rumah tinggal bagi pekerja sirkuit.
L Lately, Driving a Radio Control car became more and more popular amongts the largest city in Indonesia. Like Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Radio Control Car is a car that were driven by radio frequency in a particular distance and it size's are smaller than a real car. Because it's popularity, number's of Radio Control circuit's were built in many cities. The purpose of building this circuits it's to gather round the Radio Control hobbyist into one place and make a community so they can race their car one another and getting knowledge about Radio Control. One of this circuits is Gelora Bung Karno' s Senayan Radio Control Circuit which took place in Gelora Bung Karno's Senayan Sporting Areas. Because it's location in the middle of a sporting facilities and areas, came problems about voice and smoke polutions that were created by Radio Control cars and possibly became a problem for others activities surrounding circuit's. So, to neutralized that problems, landscape design is necessary for this areas. The main goal it's to maximize existing space and vegetations. Vegetations were pick and chose only if they can match the land conditions and match the criterias for building a Radio Control circuit. The main reasons is to minimize the voice and smoke polutions from the areas. New facilites were built inside the areas to make the visitors or the users of the circuit more comfortable. In this circuit, areas were divided into Welcoming Areas which consist of Parking areas, exhibitions area, and hobby shop. The functions of this welcoming areas is to welcome the visitors. Trantitions Areas consist of lobby for visitors and it's main functions as a "bridge" between Welcoming Areas and other areas. Paddock Areas it's an area where all Radio Control drivers can gather round and it's functioning as a link between Large Circuit and Small Circuit. Large CircuitAreas is used as a circuit for Radio Control cars that has1: 8 and 1: 10 scale. And Small CircuitAreas is used as a circuit for cars that has 1: I 0 Lately, Driving a Radio Control car became more and more popular amongts the largest city in Indonesia. Like Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Radio Control Car is a car that were driven by radio frequency in a particular distance and it size's are smaller than a real car. Because it's popularity, number's of Radio Control circuit's were built in many cities. The purpose of building this circuits it's to gather round the Radio Control hobbyist into one place and make a community so they can race their car one another and getting knowledge about Radio Control. One of this circuits is Gelora Bung Karno' s Senayan Radio Control Circuit which took place in Gelora Bung Karno's Senayan Sporting Areas. Because it's location in the middle of a sporting facilities and areas, came problems about voice and smoke polutions that were created by Radio Control cars and possibly became a problem for others activities surrounding circuit's. So, to neutralized that problems, landscape design is necessary for this areas. The main goal it's to maximize existing space and vegetations. Vegetations were pick and chose only if they can match the landconditions and match the criterias for building a Radio Control circuit. The main reasons-~is to minimize the voice and smoke polutions from the areas. New facilites were built inside the areas to make the visitors or the users of the circuit more comfortable. In this circuit, areas were divided into Welcoming Areas which consist of Parking areas, exhibitions area, and hobby shop. The functions of this welcoming areas is to welcome the visitors. Trantitions Areas consist of lobby for visitors and it's main functions as a "bridge" between Welcoming Areas and other areas. Paddock Areas it's an area where all Radio Control drivers can gather round and it's functioning as a link between Large Circuit and Small Circuit. Large CircuitAreas is used as a circuit for Radio Control cars that has1: 8 and 1: 10 scale. And Small CircuitAreas is used as a circuit for cars that has 1: I 0scale only. Service Areas consist of a house for track keeper.scale only. Service Areas consist of a house for track keeper.