Karbon Aktif lokal sebagai adsorben gas C02 : variasi ukuran butir karbon aktif dan debit gas
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2000
Pembimbing 1 : Wahyudi Wisaksono
Pembimbing 2 : Widyo Astono
Kata Kunci : local activated carbon, C02 gas adsorbent, gas discharge
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 1 | |
2. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 3 | |
8. | 2000_TA_TL_08295058_Lampiran.pdf |
Salah satu alternatif penanganan pencemaran udara dari gas buang adalahdengan cara adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji kemampuan karbon aktif lokal yang terbuat dari tempurung kelapa sebagai adsorben gas dengan variasi ukuran butir ( 4 x 8, 6 x 12, dan 8 x 16 mesh), debit gas (2 dan 3 L/menit), serta dilanjutkan dengan regenerasi. Sumber gas adalah tabung berisi9800 ppm C02.Menurut Cheremisinoff (1993), adsorpsi adalah suatu proses reversible dimanamolekul fluida dikonsentrasikan pada suatu permukaan yang sangat berpori. Adsorpsi dipakai untuk menyimpan kontaminan sampai mereka bisa diambil kembali atau dihancurkan dengan cara yang paling ekonomis (Bethea, 1978). Efisiensi removal adsorbat dipengaruhi antara lain oleh ukuran butiran adsorben, kedalaman kolom adsorben, dan kecepatan gas masuk.Pada penelitian ini karbon dioksida dilewatkan ke kolom adsorben kemudiandiukur konsentrasi yang keluar mengg nakan metoda titrasi dengan indikator phenolphtalein. Untuk keperluan penelitian dipilih gas C02 sebagai adsorbat setelah sebelumnya dipilih gas H2S.Dari hasil penelitian diclapa bahwa ada sat dileWati gas dengan debit 2L/menit waktu jenuh karbon aktit semu • ukuran dala 720 enit dan ketika dilewati gas3 L/menit waktu jenuh bergeser menja i 51 menit E1iisiensi removal C02 karbon aktif yang dialiri gas 2 L/menit lebih bark dan ada yang d'I wati gas 3 L/menit. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya adsorbat yangtiaal< aa at terta g-Kap l
A Adsorption by activated carbon is one among many ways to prevent air pollution. The purpose of this experiment is to test the ability of local activated carbon - made from coconut shell - to adsorp contaminant gas. The experiment was conducted under these conditions : small coloumn filled with active carbon with 4 x 8 , 6 x 12, and 8 x 16 mesh size variation, gas flow - provided by a compressed cylinder filled with 9800 ppm carbon dioxide - variations (2 and 3 L/minute), and regeneration.Cheremisinoff ( 1993) define adsorption as a reversible process which allow fluidmolecules to concentrate in a highly porous surface. Adsorption is used to concentrate or store contaminants until they can be recovered or destroyed in the most economical manner (Bethea, 1978). Adsorbate removal efficiency depend on the adsorbent size, the height of the adsorbent, and gas flowrate.The adsorbent coloumn was saturated by carbon dioxide. The C02 concentration living the coloumn is then measured by acid-base titration with phenolpthalein indicator.After 720 minutes, all adsorbe ts hich were operated in a 2 L/minute C02 flowrate was saturated, rneanwhile the other ad rbe ts being 'saturated by a 3 L/minute gas, saturate after 510 minutes running. The sa urate time differences happened because at a 3 I/minute flo rate so . g9 article can not be adsorbed due to the relatively rapid velocity. The 8 x 16 esh carbon removal efficiencies are 70,51 % for the 2 L/minute gas flowca e an 69,~3 % fo he - t;'mi te gas. Compared to the rest carbon this size shows ~he highest r o~al e 1 iency because of it's large surface area. After being saturated, all a - rbents wef regenerated 100°C for 15 and 20 minutes. The 8 x 16 mesh's weight after regeneration is the lightest of them all. In addition the amount of contaminant left in the surface pore is the smallest. Another coloumn runnings show a more faster saturated time and less efficiensies compare to the first experiments.The result of this experiment suggested that compare to the 4 x 8 and 6 x 12 mesh carbon, the 8 x 16 mesh activated carbon has the greatest removal eficiency in both flowrate operation. Reuse of those carbon after regenerated at 10D°C for 15 and 20 minute indicate a more faster saturated time and poorer removal efficiencies than the first experiment. In order to achieve higher eficiency carbon's properties like CTC, ash content, and moisture content need some adjusments. This can be done by modifying.the production's method and condition. To find out the ability of local activated carbon as-qas adsorbent more experiments should be made.