Pengaruh struktur kepemilikan saham, financial distress, board size dan growth terhadap intensitas research and development.

Oleh : Junita Pepayosa Kaban

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Hexana Sri Lastanti

Kata Kunci : research and development intensity, share ownership structure, financial distress, board size, growt

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Status : Lengkap

F Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang faktor yang mempengaruhi intensitas research and development berdasarkan Agensi teori. Variabel independen penelitian ini adalah Struktur kepemilikan saham, financial distress, board size, dan growth. Sedangkan variabel dependennya berupa intensitas research and development. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan subsektor healthcare dan non-cyclicals yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2019-2022. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Berdasarkan kriteria, ditemukan sebanyak 30 perusahaan sampel, sehingga data observasi berjumlah 120. Data dianalisis dengan metode regresi berganda yang diuji dengan SPSS 25. Penelitian ini berhasil menemukan bahwa variabel struktur kepemilikan saham board of directors dan growth berpengaruh positif terhadap intensitas research and development. Sementara variabel struktur kepemilikan saham institusional, asing, pemerintah, financial distress, dan board size tidak berpengaruh terhadap intensitas research and development. Beberapa kontribusi dari penelitian ini antara lain pertama, memahami faktor yang mempengaruhi intensitas research and development. Kedua pemangku kepentingan dapat mengetahui intensitas research and development menggunakan teori agensi yang berpengaruh. Ketiga, memahami peran setiap variabel independen terhadap intensitas research and development.

T The purpose of this project is to gather actual data on the factors. factors influencing research and development intensity based on agency theory. The independent variables in this study are Shareholding Structure, Financial Distress, Board Size, and Growth. The dependent variable is research and development intensity. The population of this study is healthcare and non-cyclicals subsectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2019-2022. The sample was taken using purposive sampling method. Based on the criteria, 30 companies were found to be the sample, resulting in 120 observations. The data was analyzed using multiple regression methods, which were tested using SPSS 26. The study found that the variables Shareholding Structure (Board of Directors and Growth) have a positive effect on research and development intensity. Meanwhile, the variables Institutional Shareholding, Foreign Shareholding, Government Shareholding, Financial Distress, and Board Size do not have an effect on research and development intensity. Some contributions of this study include: First, Understanding the factors influencing research and development intensity. Second, Stakeholders can understand research and development intensity using agency theory variables. And Third Understanding the role of each independent variable in research and development intensity.

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