Aktivitas antibakteri file nikel-titanium terhadap hambatan pertumbuhan enterococcus faecalis (penelitian in vitro) (Laporan Penelitian)

Oleh : Tiffany Veronica

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 617.634 2 VER a

Penerbit : FKG - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Dr. drg. Eko Fibriyanto, Sp.KG (K)

Subyek : Dentistry;Conservative dentistry

Kata Kunci : antibacterial activity, enterococcus faecalis, file, fracture, NiTi

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2020_TA_KG_040001600089_Halaman-Judul.pdf 14
2. 2020_TA_KG_040001600089_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 4
3. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 5
4. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-3_Kerangka-Teori,-Kerangka-Konsep-dan-Hipotesis.pdf
6. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-4_Metode-Penelitian.pdf 8
7. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-5_Hasil-Penelitian.pdf
8. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-6_Pembahasan.pdf
9. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
10. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 1
11. 2020_TA_KG_040001600137_Lampiran.pdf

L Latar belakang: Patah file dalam saluran akar merupakan salah satu insiden yangpaling umum mungkin terjadi selama perawatan saluran akar. Salah satumanajemen file patah dalam saluran akar gigi tanpa penyakit apikal adalahmempertahankan file tetap berada di saluran akar sebagai obstruksi metal. Fileendodontik terkini terbuat dari bahan stainless-steel dan NiTi. Logam diketahuimemiliki daya oligodinamik. Enterococcus faecalis paling disorot sebagaimikrobiota utama yang terkait dengan kegagalan perawatan saluran akardikarenakan kemampuan bakteri ini untuk bertumbuh dalam kondisi dengan nutrisiyang terbatas dan lingkungan yang ekstrem sekalipun. Tujuan: Untukmenganalisis daya antibakteri file Nikel-Titanium terhadap Enterococcus faecalis.Metode: ProTaper Next® X2 (025/06) (M-wire) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues,Swiss), WaveOne Gold®(025/07) (Gold-wire) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues,Swiss), HyFlex™ EDM OneFile (25/~) (CM-wire), stainless-steel Thomas® Kfile(#25) digunakan sebagai sampel. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua metodepengujian, yaitu metode difusi dan metode hitung cawan. Data yang diperolehmerupakan data numerik. Data dianalisis dengan uji one-way ANOVA dandilanjutkan dengan uji post-hoc Tukey HSD dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05(p≤0,05). Hasil: Tidak ada aktivitas antibakteri yang terdeteksi dengan metode ujidifusi agar pada file NiTi dan stainless-steel, namun hasil metode hitung cawanmenunjukkan bahwa file NiTi dan stainless-steel memiliki daya antibakteriterhadap sel planktonik Enterococcus faecalis. Mekanisme antibakteri dianggapberkaitan dengan ion yang dilepaskan dari file NiTi dan stainless-steel.Kesimpulan: File Nikel-Titanium memiliki daya antibakteri terhadap hambatanpertumbuhan Enterococcus faecalis.

I Introduction: Intracanal instrument fracture is one of the most common proceduralerrors that may occur during endodontic treatment. In some difficult cases, one ofthe managements of instrument fracture with no apical disease is retain the fracturedinstrument in the canal as a metal obstruction. The present endodontic instrumentsare made in stainless-steel and NiTi alloy materials. Metal alloy is known for itsantimicrobial efficacy because of its oligodynamic action. Enterococcus faecalis ismost highlighted as the main microbiota associated with endodontic failure owingto their ability to grow in nutrition limited and harsh environmental conditions.Aim: This study aims to identify the antibacterial activity of NiTi files againstEnterococcus faecalis. Methods: Nickel-Titanium rotary ProTaper Next® X2(025/06) (M-wire) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), WaveOne Gold®(025/07) (Gold-wire) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), HyFlex™EDM OneFile (25/~) (CM-wire), stainless-steel hand-file Thomas® Kfile (#25)were used as samples. The research was accomplished using two assay methods,the agar diffusion assay and the total plate count method. The results were innumerical ratio data. Data were subjected to Shapiro-Wilk normality test, followedby one-way Analysis of Variance test and post-hoc Tukey HSD test with a level ofsignificance of 0.05 (p≤0,05). Results: No antibacterial activity was detected bythe agar diffusion assay on both NiTi and stainless-steel files, but the total platecount results indicated that the NiTi and stainless-steel files exhibited anantibacterial property against Enterococcus faecalis planktonic cells, whichdemonstrates strongly that the whole alloys are of antibacterial activity. Theantibacterial mechanism was thought to be in associated with the ion released fromboth NiTi and stainless-steel files. Conclusion: In conclusion, NiTi files showedantibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis.

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