Terapi fotobiomodulasi terhadap ulserasi mulut (Bibliometrik dan Systematic Review)
Nomor Panggil : 616.31 CLA t
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2024
Pembimbing 1 : Indrayadi Gunardi
Pembimbing 2 : Rahmi Amtha
Subyek : Oral medicine;Inflammation - Mediators
Kata Kunci : photobiomodulation, RAS, OLP, mucositis, bibliometric, systematic review
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 15 | |
2. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 21 |
5. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-3_Kerangka-Teori.pdf | 2 |
6. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-4_Metode-Penelitian.pdf | 10 |
7. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-5_Hasil-Penelitian.pdf | 64 |
8. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-6_Pembahasan.pdf | 13 |
9. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | 3 |
10. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 11 | |
11. | 2024_TA_SKG_040002000022_Lampiran.pdf | 8 |
L Latar belakang: Terapi fotobiomodulasi sebagai perawatan cahaya secara nontermal yang bersifat terapeutik untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan inflamasi, terjadinya imunomodulasi, serta regenerasi jaringan. Saat ini belum terdapat publikasi mengenai bibliometrik dan systematic review (SR) yang melaporkan mengenai terapi fotobiomodulasi terhadap ulserasi mulut. Tujuan: Mengetahui intellectual structure dan jenis terapi fotobiomodulasi terhadap ulserasi mulut yang ditinjau dari durasi penyembuhan, rasa sakit, dan efek samping. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik menggunakan database PubMed, Scopus, dan Dimension AI dari tahun 1991-2023. Analisis bibliometrik menggunakan VOSViewer dan SR menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hasil: Pada intellectual structure didapatkan 4 kluster, kluster 1 mengenai ‘lllt’, kluster 2 mengenai ‘head and neck cancer’, kluster 3 mengenai ‘olp’, dan kluster 4 mengenai ‘inflammatory mediators.’ Diode laser 660 nm paling efektif terhadap durasi penyembuhan ulserasi SAR dan mukositis mulut, sedangkan diode laser 810 nm efektif terhadap ulserasi OLP. Diode laser 810 nm efektif dalam penurunan rasa sakit akibat ulserasi SAR dan OLP, sedangkan diode laser 808 nm terhadap mukositis mulut. Tidak ada efek samping yang dilaporkan. Kesimpulan: Dari hasil bibliometrik, masih banyak peluang penelitian lebih lanjut dalam bidang terapi fotobiomodulasi untuk ulserasi mulut. Jenis laser berupa diode laser terlihat efektif dalam menurunkan durasi penyembuhan dan rasa sakit akibat ulserasi mulut (SAR, OLP, mukositis mulut) tanpa disertasi adanya efek samping.
I Introduction: Photobiomodulation therapy is a nonthermal light therapy with therapeutic properties for reducing pain and inflammation, immunomodulation, and regeneration of tissues. There hasn’t been a bibiometric nor systematic review (SR) that reports the use of photobiomodulation therapy for oral ulcers. Objective: This study aims to find out the intellectual structure and type of photobiomodulation therapy, reviewed from healing duration, pain and side effects. Method: An observational analytic method with PubMed, Scopus and Dimension AI database from 1991-2023 was used. Bibliometric analysis was done with VOSViewer and Microsoft Excel for SR. Results: Four clusters was formed from the intellectual structure, cluster 1 regarding ‘lllt’, cluster 2 regarding ‘head and neck cancer’, cluster 3 regarding ‘olp’ and cluster 4 regarding ‘inflammatory mediators.’ Diode laser 660 nm is most effective in healing durations of RAS and oral mucositis, while diode laser 810 nm is most effective for OLP. Diode laser 810 nm shows the most effective results in reducing pain for RAS and OLP, whereas diode laser 808 nm shows most effective for oral mucositis. There were no side effects reported. Conclusion: Bibliometric results show considerable amounts of opportunities available for further research regarding photobiomodulation therapy for oral ulcers. Diode lasers are found to be effective on reducing healing duration and pain from oral ulcers (RAS, OLP and oral mucositis) without any side effects.