Penentuan dimensi vertikal oklusif dengan metode pre-extraction record
Nomor Panggil : 617.692 CIN p
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 1999
Pembimbing 1 : Anton Margo
Subyek : Prosthodontics
Kata Kunci : dimensi vertikal oklusi, posisi istirahat, free way space, galangan gigit.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Halaman-judul.pdf | 7 | |
2. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Bab-2-Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf | 107 |
5. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Bab-3-Pembahasan.pdf | 18 |
6. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Bab-4-Kesimpulan-dan-saran.pdf | 6 |
7. | 1999_TA_SKG_04093070_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 |
S Sampai sekarang belum ada satupun metode ilmiah yang dapat menentukan dimensi vertikal oklusi secara tepat dan akurat. Para dokter gigi cenderung melakukan pencabutan gigi dengan indikasi pencabutan tanpa berorientasi pada pertimbangan perawatan rehabilitafif dikemudian hari. Penentuan dimensi vertikal oklusi berdasarkan pre-extraction record dapat merekam kontak oklusi sesuai dengan dimensi vertikal oklusi pasien ke dalam galangan gigit. Pencabutan gigi dikemudian hari dapat menyebabkan kehilangan dimensi vertikal oklusi , dengan pre-extraction record dimensi vertikal oklusi dapat dikembalikan secara akurat seperti semula sehingga tidak terjadi perubahan dimensi vertikal oklusi baik yang terlalu tinggi maupun yang terlalu rendah.
U Until now there is no scientific method that can determine the vertical dimension of occlusion precisely and accurately. Dentists tend to extract teeth with indications for extraction without being oriented towards consideration of rehabilitative treatment in the future. Determination of the vertical dimension of occlusion based on the pre-extraction record can record the occlusion contact according to the vertical dimension of the patient's occlusion into the bite area. Tooth extraction in the future can cause loss of the vertical dimension of the occlusion, with pre-extraction records the vertical dimension of the occlusion can be accurately restored to its original state so that there is no change in the vertical dimension of the occlusion either too high or too low.