Hubungan persepsi diri tentang estetika gigi dan psikososial : studi pada mahasiswa preklinik FKG Universitas Trisakti

Oleh : Agnes Anandita Sungkono

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 614 AGN h

Penerbit : FKG - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : J. Widijanto Sudhana

Subyek : Dentistry - Aesthetics

Kata Kunci : perception, dental aesthetics, psychosocial

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Halaman-judul.pdf 22
2. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf 4
3. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 8
4. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-2_Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf
5. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-3_Kerangka-teori,-konsep,-dan-hipotesis.pdf
6. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-4_Metode-penelitian.pdf
7. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-5_Analisis-data.pdf
8. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-6_Pembahasan.pdf
9. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-saran.pdf
10. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Daftar-pustaka.pdf 8
11. 2018_TA_KG_040001400005_Lampiran.pdf

K Keindahan sangat. erat kaitannva dengan estetika, termasuk dalam segi estetika penampilan. Sebagai bagian dari estetika, wajah merupakan sebuah peranan penting dalam estetika seseorang. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan persepsi diri mengenai estetika gigi dengan psikososial mahasiswa preklinik FKG Universitas Trisakti Jakarta. Metode : Penelitian cross- sectional ini menggunakan 100 responden mahasiswa preklinik FKG Universitas Trisakti Jakarta dengan proporsi masing-masing angkatan (2014-2017) sebesar 25 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan Psychosocial Impacts of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (P1DAQ) dan data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman dalam SPSS Statistic 22. Hasil : Terdapat hubungan negatif bermakna apabila Dental Self-Confidence Scale dikorelasikan masing-masing dengan Aesthetic Scale, Social Impacts Scale, dan Psychological Impacts Scale Apabila skor Dental Self-Confidence Scale naik maka skor Aesthetic Scale, Social Impacts Scale, dan Psychological Impacts Scale akan turun dan sebaliknya. Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara persepsi diri mengenai estetika gigi dan psikososial pada mahasiswa- preklinik FKG Universitas Trisakti Jakarta angkatan 2014-2017. Dan apabila seseorang merasa puas dengan estetika gigi-geliginya, maka semakin rendah dampak negatif psikososial yang mereka rasakan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinva.

B Beauty is closely related to aesthetic, including the physical appearance. As the part of aesthetic, face plays an important role in someone physical aesthetic. Objective : To analyze the correlation between the self-perception of dental aesthetic with the psychosocial impacts on pre-clinic students of Faculty Dentistry , Trisakti University, Jakarta. Methods : This cross- sectional study was conducted in 100 respondents from the pre-clinic students of Faculty Dentistry, Trisakti University, Jakarta; with 25 respondents on each class (2014-2017). This study was used Psychosocial Impacts of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (PIDAQ) and the data was analyzed using Spearman’s correlation test on SPSS Statistic 22. Results : There is a meaningful negative correlation if Dental Aesthetic Scale is correlate respectively with Aesthetic Scale, Social Impacts Scale, and Psychological Impacts Scale. If the score of Dental Aesthetic Scale is increased, then the score of Aesthetic Scale, Social Impacts Scale, and Psychological Impacts Scale will decreased, the other way round. Conclusion : There is a correlation between the self-perception of dental aesthetic with the psychosocial impacts on pre-clinic students of Faculty Dentistry, Trisakti University. And if someone is satisfied with their dental aesthetic, then the psychosocial impacts that they feel will getting lower.

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