Tingkat kecemasan dental pada pasien bedah mulut dan konservasi gigi di klinik integrasi RSGM FKG Usakti (Studi pustaka)
Nomor Panggil : 614 HER t
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2014
Pembimbing 1 : drg. Sarasati S., M.M.
Subyek : Dental anxiety
Kata Kunci : dental anxiety, dental hospital
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 7 | |
2. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-2.pdf | 11 |
4. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 3 | |
10. | 2014_TA_KG_04010191_Lampiran.pdf |
K Kecemasan dental merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang paling ditakuti dalam masayarakat.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan dental pada pasien di klinik integrasi RSGM FKG Universitas Trisakti.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode obervasional deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data random purposive sampling.Pengukuran tingkat kecemasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale, dimana terdapat 4 pertanyaan dengan masing-masing 5 pilihan jawaban dengan pilihan a memiliki skor 1, skor 2 untuk pilihan b, skor 3 untuk pilihan c, skor 4 untukpilhan d, danskor 5 untukpilihan c, dengankemungkinan total skor adalah 4 – 20. Didapat kan sampel sebanyak 40 orang yang mendapatkan perawatan di bidang bedah mulut dan konservasi gigi.Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa 40% (16 sampel) memiliki tingkat kecemasan sedang.
D Dental anxiety is one of the most feared problems in dentistry. The aim of this research is to find out the level of dental anxiety among the patients of integration clinic in the dental hospital of Trisakti University Faculty of Dentistry. The method of the research is observational descriptive and the sampling method is random purposive sampling. The samples are 40 patients who will be treated in the field of oral surgeon and operative dentistry. The level of anxiety is measured by Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale questionnaire which consists 4 questions with 5 choices of answers for each queations. Score 1 is for option a, score 2 is for option b, score 3 is for option c, score 4 is for option d, and score 5 is for option e. So the possibility of the total score is 4 to 20. The results show that 40% (16 samples) have moderate level of dental anxiety. Patients who will be treated in the field of oral surgeon have higher level of dental anxiety than those who will be treated in the field of operative dentistry. The research also shows that women have higher level of dental anxiety than men. These results fit accordingly to the research which explained that the type of treatment and gender differences are influencing the level of dental anxiety. The conclusion is that the patients among integration clinic in the dental hospital of Trisakti University Faculty of Dentistry have moderate level of dental anxiety