Pengaruh tingkat suku bunga, inflasi, nilai tukar dan indeks dow jones Amerika terhadap indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) tahun 2008-2011
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2012
Pembimbing 1 : Ronny Wicaksono
Subyek : Capital Market
Kata Kunci : indonesia composite index, Interest Rates, Inflation, exchange rates, dow jones industrial average
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_1.pdf |
2. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_2.pdf |
3. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_3.pdf |
4. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_4.pdf |
5. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_5.pdf |
6. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_6.pdf |
7. | 2012_TA_IK_025080010_7.pdf |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suku bunga, inflasi, nilai tukar dan indeks Dow Jones amerika terhadap IHSG tahun 2008- 20ll. Suku bunga dan inflasi dicantumkan dalam satuan persen, nilai tukar tukar yang dimaksud adalah nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika (kurs tengah), dan indeks Dow Jones dicantumkan dalam satuan poin . Variabel independen suku bunga, inflasi, nilai tukar, dan indeks Dow Jones, IHSG indonesia sebagai variable dependen. Data- data dari penelitian ini adalah data yang diambil tiap bulan nya dengan periode yang diteliti tahun 2006 - 2011. Dan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode Time Series Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa suku bunga, inflasi, nilai tukar, dan indeks Dow Jones secara simultan mempengaruhi pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEl) selama periode 2008 - 2011. Secara parsial, suku bunga, inflasi dan indeks Dow Jones berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pergerakan IHSG di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Sedangkan nilai tukar berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifxkan terhadap IHSG di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama 2008-2011.
T This research aims to determine the influence of interest rates, inflation, exchange rates and Dow Jones industrial average against Indonesia composite index in 2008 - 2011. Interest rates and inflation are listed in units of percent, the exchange rate is the exchange rate of the rupiah against the dollar exchange rate, and Dow Jones industrial average indices listed in units of points. Independent variable interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, and Dow Jones industrial average, the dependent variable as Indonesia composite index. The data from this research data is taken each month with the period examined in 2008 - 2011. And the method of data collection used is the method of Time Series. The results of this research suggest that interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, and Dow Jones industrial average simultaneously affect the movement of the Indonesia composite index at the Indonesia stock exchange (IDX) during the period of 2008 - 2011. Partially, inflation and interest rates, the Dow Jones index and the negative impact of Indonesia composite index in significant stock exchange Indonesia, while the exchange rate effect is positive but not significantly to Indonesia composite index in Indonesia during the 2008 - 2011.