Perhitungan volume gas awal di tempat pada lapangan X zona Y
Nomor Panggil : 1066/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Onni Ridaliani
Pembimbing 2 : Sigit Rahmawan
Subyek : Reservoir
Kata Kunci : type of reservoir, drive mechanism, original gas in place.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2019_TA_TM_071001400102_Lampiran.pdf |
L Lapangan X yang berlokasi di Pulau Sulawesi bagian tengah.Lapangan inimemiliki 2 zona yaitu Zona Y dan Zona Z, dimana hanya Zona Y saja yang saatini sudah di produksikan sejak awal oktober 2014. Zona Y berada pada formasimantawa dan memiliki lithology batuan limestone. Karakteristik batuan reservoirzona Y memiliki porositas efektif rata-rata sebesar 24.8 % dan permeabilitassebesar 115 md.Perhitungan volume gas awal di tempat ( Original Gas Initial in Place )atau disingkat OGIP pada Lapangan X Zona Y diawali dengan metodeVolumetrik yang seiring berjalan waktu dengan adanya data tekanan, dataproduksi hingga data PVT atau pada lapangan yang gas yang sudahdikembangkan dimana perhitungan, OGIP dapat diperhitungkan dengan metodeseperti Material Balance, P/Z vs Gp secara manual dan secara softwaremenggunakan IPM-Mbal. Sebelum dilakukan perhitungan OGIP dilakukananalisis analisis karakteristik fluida reservoir gas, analisis komposisi komponennon-hidrokarbon gas, analisis komposisi komponen hidrokarbon gas dan analisisvolume liquid pada ruang pori saat terjadi kondensasi pada penurunan tekananuntuk mengetahui jenis reservoir tersebut. Dengan analisis tersebut diketahuireservoir berjenis wet gas. Dikarenakan reservoir ini wet gas dilakukanpengkoreksian harga kumulatif produksi gas ( Gp ) menggunakan analisis vaporequivalent. Dalam penentuan jenis tenaga dorong ( drive mechanism ) dilakukandengan meggunakan energy plot dan plot P/Z vs Gp. Pada energy plot didapatkanslope sebesar 45o dan plot P/Z vs Gp didapatkan garis lurus ( linier ) sehinggajenis tenaga dorong yaitu depletion gas drive. Setelah analisis – analisissebelumnya telah dilakukan maka dapat diperhitungkan OGIP. Hasil perhitungandengan metode Volumetrik, metode Material Balance, metode P/Z vs Gp dansoftware IPM-Mbal secara berturut – turut yaitu 2832 BSCF, 3148 BSCF, 3161BSCF dan 3141 BSCF. Berdasarkan dari hasil perhitungan yang ada bahwametode Volumetrik memiliki nilai pesimistik dibandingkan dengan hasil dari 3metode lainnya dikarenakan 3 metode lainnya telah menggunakan data – datayang cukup lengkap seperti data produksi, data tekanan hingga data PVT.
F Field X is located on the island of Central Sulawesi. This field has 2 zone,that is Zone Y and Zone Z which is only Zone Y is currently being produced sincethe beginning of October 2014. Zone Y is located in mantawa formation and thelithology is limestone rocks. Characteristics of reservoir rocks Zone Y hasaverage effective porosity of 24.8% and permeability of 115 md.The calculation initial gas volume in place (Original Gas Initial in Place)or abbreviated OGIP in Field X Zone Y at first with the Volumetric method but astime goes by there’s pressure data, production data and PVP data on gas fieldsthat have been developed, OGIP calculations can calculated by methods such asMaterial Balance, P / Z vs Gp as manually and using software IPM-Mbal. Beforeto calculating OGIP, an analysis of the characteristics of gas reservoir fluidcharacteristics, analysis of the composition of non-hydrocarbon gas components,analysis of the composition of gas hydrocarbon components and analysis of liquidvolume in the pore space when condensation during depletion of pressure wasperformed to determine the reservoir type. With this analysis it is known that thetype of reservoir is wet gas. Because this reservoir is wet gas so prior to correctthe cumulative price of gas production (Gp) using the vapor equivalent analysis.In determining the type of drive mechanism, the analysis using energy plots andplots P / Z vs. Gp. In the energy plot, the slope is 450 was obtained and the plot ofP / Z vs Gp obtained a straight line (linear) so that make the type of drivemechanism is the depletion gas drive. After the previous analyzes have beencarried out, OGIP can be calculated. The results of calculations using theVolumetric method, the Material Balance method, the P / Z vs. Gp method and theIPM-Mbal software are 2832 BSCF, 3148 BSCF, 3161 BSCF and 3141 BSCF.Based on the calculation results, the Volumetric method has pessimistic valuecompared to the results of the other 3 methods, because the other 3 methods haveused sufficiently complete data such as production data, pressure data and PVTdata.