Pengaruh pengunaan bahan bakar campuran air dan solar pada kinerja mesin dan emisi gas buang
olusi, tetapi air tidak mempunyai nilai bakar, maka dari it.u kinerjavkeseluruhan tergantung dari kondisi operasi mesin. Teknologi bahan bakar solar dan mesin telah berkembang sangat pesat beberapa tahun belal
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Muhammad Hafnan
Subyek : Diesel engines
Kata Kunci : exhaust gas emission, water mixed, diesel fuel oil, engine performance
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2005_TA_TM_06198109_Lampiran.pdf |
Bahan bakar solar emulsi adalah solar rendah emisi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi emisi gas buang dalam pemakaian sehari - hari. Bahan bakar solar emulsi ini diproduksi menggunakan solar biasa, air, dan bahan aditif kimia hanya.. dengan menggunak
E Emulsion diesel fuel is a low- emission diesel fuel that enables people to use pollution- recing fuel for their daily needs. Using a conventional agitation unit along with ordinary diesel fuel, water and additive chemistry produced a water-• in- diesel fuel emulsion. Based on test cycle emissions data ( by using several generating- set ) and equipment operating in the Combustion Engines & Propulsion System Laboratory ITS, green diesel fuel reduced NOx emissions to 42 %, CO to 22,6 % and Opacity to 3,2 % when compared to conventional diesel fuel on the same operatin:) engine condition. This fuel technology can be used in existing diesel engines ( especially static diesel engine ), old or new, with no engine modifications or replacements. The amount of water may vary based on formula. The percentage of water blended into the fuel has ranged from approximately 10 % to 15 %. During the test period, the water content is about 15 %. s:ending water with diesel fuel lowers peak combustion temperature . Lower combustion temperature produces less NOx. Emulsion diesel fuel also modifies and improves the combust ion process by creating a slight delay in the initiation of combustion. This improved combustion leads to lower particulate ( PM ) emissions . The Nano Carbon Technology blending system combines diesel fuel, water and a package of chemical additives, all of which is mixed in an conventiona l agitator unit. The process, which encapsulates the water within the fuel, is much more complex than simply "adding water" to a tank of diesel fuel, which would be harmful. Before the test we have to prepares the water- in -diesel fuel emulsion or "water blend fuel" first. When water droplets are dispersed throughout the fuel, the blend of water and diesel fuel takes on the characteristics of the fuel. Fuel utilizing Nano Carbon Technology behaves similarly to ordinary diesel fuel, except that it significantly reduces harmf'.il emissior. . thereby protecting the environment.Including water in fuel offers many pollution reduction benefits, but water has no calorific value, therefore the peak performance depending on the engine operating conditions. Diesel fuel and eng;ne techf"lology have undergone radical improvement inrecent years to reduce harmful emissions. The diesel engine is one of the mostefficient power generation in operation this moment on massive amount.Fuel powered by emulsifier technology has been experienced successfully in mydaily vehicle, a Mitsubishi Kuda which is powered by diesel engines, unfortunately with. no further research. Best of all, using this technology requires no changes to diesel engines or equipment. However, the engine fuel filters can become slightly clogged if not monitored properly and should be changed after initial time of use. Under no proper storage conditions, this emulsifier fuel has a storage life of about 1,5 years ( until now ), with the changes of the colour become a little darker ( which is normal ). Storage temperatures of this fuel is at ambient temperature, with no special storage tank. The benefits of adding water to conventional diesel fuel have been known for this late few years. Water cor,tent promotes a finer atomization of the fue l mixture during injection into the ccmbustion chamber. Thus, lowering combustion temperatu res, which lead to substantial reductions in nitrogen oxides and particulates. However, the obstacle to producing a quality water- blend fuel is in making the mixture safe enough to use in diesel engines and resistant to separation in storage without no .light char:1ges in colour. This "water- in -diesel" fuel Technology, using specific additive che istry that encapsulates the nano - sized water droplets dispersion during the agitation process. By surrounding the droplets, the additive chemical package prevents the water from separating out of the fuel. This results in a fuel blend that, with the slightest agitation, remains sufficiently emulsified for several time in storage and fuel tanks.This technology is approach to helping operators of diesel equipment to clean up the air. Combining aiesel fuel, water and chemical additive, this diesel fu el produces a diesel fuel emulsion that instantly reduces emissions.